The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use Math::Prime::Util ':all';
use Math::BigInt lib=>"GMP,Pari";
if (!Math::Prime::Util::prime_get_config->{gmp}) {
print "\nYou should install Math::Prime::Util::GMP.\n\n";
print "random prime proofs: 50, 100, 200, 300, 400 +/- 50 digits\n";
test_proofs( 4, 100, 71, 'mpu'); print "\n";
test_proofs( 50, 150, 71, 'mpu'); print "\n";
test_proofs(150, 250, 71, 'mpu'); print "\n";
test_proofs(250, 350, 71, 'mpu'); print "\n";
test_proofs(350, 450, 71, 'mpu'); print "\n";
# size: random primes with bit sizes randomly between 4 and this number
# num: this many tests performed. 71 makes a nice 80-column display
# method: how to generate random primes:
# Ideally we would use some independent code. Time for one thousand
# random primes from rand(4-300) or rand(4-600) bits:
# 300bits 600bits which
# 2sec 6sec mpu (with mpu::gmp installed)
# 31sec 124sec pari
# 97sec 254sec cpmaurer
# We don't seem to have any practical choice other than MPU's
# random_nbit_prime as the other random prime code is just so slow.
sub test_proofs {
my($minsize, $size, $num, $prime_method) = @_;
if ($prime_method eq 'cpmaurer') {
require Crypt::Primes;
} elsif ($prime_method eq 'pari') {
require Math::Pari;
require Crypt::Random;
} elsif ($prime_method eq 'mpu') {
# nothing
} else {
die "Unknown random prime generation method\n";
my @ns;
print "Generate ";
$minsize = 4 if $minsize < 4;
$minsize = $size if $minsize > $size;
die "invalid size, must be > 4" unless $size > 4;
foreach my $i (1..$num) {
my $bits = int(rand($size-$minsize)) + $minsize;
my $n;
if ($prime_method eq 'cpmaurer') {
$n = Crypt::Primes::maurer(Size=>$bits);
} elsif ($prime_method eq 'pari') {
# This is ~4x faster, has awful distribution. Still much slower than MPU.
# $n = Math::Pari::nextprime( ...makerandom... );
do { $n = Crypt::Random::makerandom(Size=>$bits,Strength=>0); }
while !Math::Pari::isprime($n);
} else {
$n = random_nbit_prime($bits);
push @ns, Math::BigInt->new("$n");
# print a number corresponding to hundreds of bits
print int(3.322*length("$n")/100);
print "\n";
my @certs;
print "Prove ";
foreach my $n (@ns) {
my ($isp,$cert) = is_provable_prime_with_cert($n);
die "$n is reported as $isp\n" unless $isp == 2;
push @certs, [$n, $cert];
print proof_mark($cert);
print "\n";
print "Verify ";
foreach my $certn (@certs) {
my $v = verify_prime($certn->[1]);
print proof_mark($certn->[1]);
next if $v;
print "\n\n$certn->[0] didn't verify!\n\n";
my $c = $certn->[1];
$c =~ s/^/ /smg;
print $c;
print "\n";
sub proof_mark {
my $cert = shift;
my $type;
if (ref($cert) eq 'ARRAY') {
$type = (scalar @$cert == 1) ? "bpsw" : $cert->[1];
if ($type =~ /n-1/i) {
$type = ($cert->[2]->[0] eq 'B') ? 'BLS7' : 'BLS5';
} else {
return 'E' if $cert =~ /Type\s+ECPP/;
($type) = $cert =~ /Type (\S+)/;
if (!defined $type) { die "\nNo type:\n\n$cert"; }
if ($type =~ /bls5/i) { return '5'; }
elsif ($type =~ /bls7/i) { return '7'; }
if ($type =~ /bls3/i) { return '-'; }
elsif ($type =~ /bls15/i) { return '+'; }
elsif ($type =~ /bpsw|small/i){ return '.'; }
elsif ($type =~ /ecpp|agkm/i) { return 'E'; }
warn "type: $type\n";
return '?';