Changes for version 0.56 - 2015-12-13

    • is_carmichael(n) Returns 1 if n is a Carmichael number
    • forcomp { ... } n[,{...}] loop over compositions
    • Faster, nonrecursive divisors_from_factors routine.
    • gcdext(0,0) returns (0,0,0) to match GMP and Pari/GP.
    • Use better prime count lower/upper bounds from Büthe 2015.
    • forpart and forcomp both use lexicographic order (was anti-lexico).


Utilities related to prime numbers, including fast sieves and factoring
Elliptic curve operations for affine points
Elliptic curve operations for projective points
An auto-free object for Math::Prime::Util
Pure Perl version of Math::Prime::Util
PP front end for Math::Prime::Util
Primality proofs and certificates
A tied array for primes
An object iterator for primes
Generate random primes
Perl Big Float versions of Riemann Zeta and R functions
Number theory utilities