Net::DBus::Exporter - exports methods and signals to the bus


# Connecting an object to the bus, under a service
package main;

use Net::DBus;

# Attach to the bus
my $bus = Net::DBus->find;

# Acquire a service 'org.demo.Hello'
my $service = $bus->export_service("org.demo.Hello");

# Export our object within the service
my $object = Demo::HelloWorld->new($service); of program...

# Define a new package for the object we're going
# to export
package Demo::HelloWorld;

# Specify the main interface provided by our object
use Net::DBus::Exporter qw(org.example.demo.Greeter);

# We're going to be a DBus object
use base qw(Net::DBus::Object);

# Export a 'Greeting' signal taking a stringl string parameter
dbus_signal("Greeting", ["string"]);

# Export 'Hello' as a method accepting a single string
# parameter, and returning a single string value
dbus_method("Hello", ["string"], ["string"]);

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $service = shift;
    my $self = $class->SUPER::new("/org/demo/HelloWorld", $service);
    bless $self, $class;
    return $self;

sub Hello {
  my $self = shift;
  my $name = shift;

  $self->emit_signal("Greeting", "Hello $name");
  return "Said hello to $name";

# Export 'Goodbye' as a method accepting a single string
# parameter, and returning a single string, but put it
# in the 'org.exaple.demo.Farewell' interface

dbus_method("Goodbye", ["string"], ["string"], "org.example.demo.Farewell");

sub Goodbye {
  my $self = shift;
  my $name = shift;

  $self->emit_signal("Greeting", "Goodbye $name");
  return "Said goodbye to $name";


This the base of all objects which are exported to the message bus. It provides the core support for type introspection required for objects exported to the message. When sub-classing this object, methods can be created & tested as per normal Perl modules. Then just as the Exporter module is used to export methods within a script, the Net::DBus::Exporter module is used to export methods (and signals) to the message bus.

All packages inheriting from this, will automatically have the interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable registered with Net::DBus::Exporter, and the Introspect method within this exported.


my $object = Net::DBus::Object->new($path, $service)

This creates a new DBus object with an path of $path registered within the service $service. The $path parameter should be a string complying with the usual DBus requirements for object paths, while the $service parameter should be an instrance of Net::DBus::Service. The latter is typically obtained by calling the export_service method on the Net::DBus object.

my $service = $self->get_service

Retrieves the Net::DBus::Service object within which this object is exported.

my $path = $self->get_object_path

Retrieves the path under which this object is exported

$self->emit_signal($name, @args);

Emits a signal from the object, with a name of $name. The signal and the data types of the arguments @args must have been registered with Net::DBus::Exporter by calling the dbus_signal method.


Net::DBus, Net::DBus::Service, Net::DBus::RemoteObject, Net::DBus::Exporter.