Catalyst::Model::LDAP - LDAP model class for Catalyst


# Use the Catalyst helper
script/ model People LDAP ou=People,dc=ufl,dc=edu

# lib/MyApp/Model/
package MyApp::Model::People;

use base 'Catalyst::Model::LDAP';

    host         => '',
    base         => 'ou=People,dc=ufl,dc=edu',
    dn           => '',
    password     => '',
    options      => {},     # Net::LDAP method options (e.g. SASL
                            # for bind or sizelimit for search)
    cache        => undef,  # Reference to a Cache object (e.g.
                            # Cache::FastMmap) to cache results


# As object method

# As class method


This is the Net::LDAP model class for Catalyst. It is nothing more than a simple wrapper for Net::LDAP.



Create a new Catalyst LDAP model component.

Search the directory using a given filter. Returns an arrayref containing the matching entries (if any).

This method sets the code and error properties. This allows you to check for nonfatal error conditions, such as hitting the search time limit.

If a Cache object is specified in the configuration, it is used to store responses from the LDAP server. On subsequent searches using the same filter, the cached response is used. (Note: The code and error values are not cached.)


Return a reference to an LDAP client bound using the current configuration. If the bind fails, the method sets the code and error property and dies with the error message.


Get and set cache values, if a Cache object is configured. If only a key is specified, return the cached value, if one exists. If a value is also given, set the value in the cache.


Catalyst, Net::LDAP, Cache


  • Add other LDAP methods.

  • Cache the LDAP code value and error message?

  • Maybe move caching code to a separate class, e.g. Catalyst::Model::LDAP::Cached.


Daniel Westermann-Clark <>

Based on work started by <> on the Catalyst mailing list:


This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.