DBIx::Class::ResultSource - Result source object
A ResultSource is a component of a schema from which results can be directly retrieved, most usually a table (see DBIx::Class::ResultSource::Table)
$table->add_columns(qw/col1 col2 col3/);
$table->add_columns('col1' => \%col1_info, 'col2' => \%col2_info, ...);
Adds columns to the result source. If supplied key => hashref pairs uses the hashref as the column_info for that column.
$table->add_column('col' => \%info?);
Convenience alias to add_columns
if ($obj->has_column($col)) { ... }
Returns 1 if the source has a column of this name, 0 otherwise.
my $info = $obj->column_info($col);
Returns the column metadata hashref for a column.
my @column_names = $obj->columns;
Returns all column names in the order they were declared to add_columns
Defines one or more columns as primary key for this source. Should be called after add_columns
Additionally, defines a unique constraint named primary
Read-only accessor which returns the list of primary keys.
Declare a unique constraint on this source. Call once for each unique constraint.
# For e.g. UNIQUE (column1, column2)
__PACKAGE__->add_unique_constraint(constraint_name => [ qw/column1 column2/ ]);
Read-only accessor which returns the list of unique constraints on this source.
Returns an expression of the source to be supplied to storage to specify retrieval from this source; in the case of a database the required FROM clause contents.
Returns the storage handle for the current schema
$source->add_relationship('relname', 'related_source', $cond, $attrs);
The relation name can be arbitrary, but must be unique for each relationship attached to this result source. 'related_source' should be the name with which the related result source was registered with the current schema (for simple schemas this is usally either Some::Namespace::Foo or just Foo)
The condition needs to be an SQL::Abstract-style representation of the join between the tables. For example, if you're creating a rel from Foo to Bar,
{ 'foreign.foo_id' => '' }
will result in the JOIN clause
foo me JOIN bar bar ON bar.foo_id =
You can specify as many foreign => self mappings as necessary.
Valid attributes are as follows:
- join_type
Explicitly specifies the type of join to use in the relationship. Any SQL join type is valid, e.g.
. It will be placed in the SQL command immediately beforeJOIN
. - proxy
An arrayref containing a list of accessors in the foreign class to proxy in the main class. If, for example, you do the following:
__PACKAGE__->might_have(bar => 'Bar', undef, { proxy => qw[/ margle /] });
Then, assuming Bar has an accessor named margle, you can do:
my $obj = Foo->find(1); $obj->margle(10); # set margle; Bar object is created if it doesn't exist
- accessor
Specifies the type of accessor that should be created for the relationship. Valid values are
(for when there is only a single related object),multi
(when there can be many), andfilter
(for when there is a single related object, but you also want the relationship accessor to double as a column accessor). Formulti
accessors, an add_to_* method is also created, which callscreate_related
for the relationship.
Returns all valid relationship names for this source
Returns the relationship information for the specified relationship name
Returns 1 if the source has a relationship of this name, 0 otherwise.
Returns the join structure required for the related result source
resolve_condition($cond, $rel, $alias|$object)
Resolves the passed condition to a concrete query fragment. If given an alias, returns a join condition; if given an object, inverts that object to produce a related conditional from that object.
resolve_prefetch (hashref/arrayref/scalar)
Accepts one or more relationships for the current source and returns an array of column names for each of those relationships. Column names are prefixed relative to the current source, in accordance with where they appear in the supplied relationships. Examples:
my $source = $schema->$resultset('Tag')->source;
@columns = $source->resolve_prefetch( { cd => 'artist' } );
# @columns =
# 'cd.cdid',
# 'cd.artist',
# 'cd.title',
# 'cd.year',
# 'cd.artist.artistid',
# ''
@columns = $source->resolve_prefetch( qw[/ cd /] );
# @columns =
# 'cd.cdid',
# 'cd.artist',
# 'cd.title',
# 'cd.year'
$source = $schema->resultset('CD')->source;
@columns = $source->resolve_prefetch( qw[/ artist producer /] );
# @columns =
# 'artist.artistid',
# '',
# 'producer.producerid',
# ''
Returns the result source for the given relationship
See schema's throw_exception
Matt S. Trout <>
You may distribute this code under the same terms as Perl itself.