SML::Block - Content::Block using SIMPLIFIED MARKUP LANGUAGE
$Revision: 1.2 $
$Date: 2004/05/13 21:04:19 $
- new
$sml = SML::Block->new();
- parse ( $sml )
Initialize the sml data. There should be SML data optionally separated into some sections. Beginings of sections are marked by section markers:
<!section section_name other="1" parameters="2">
where !section is mandatory word, section_name is replaced by the name of the section and the other parameters could be whathever You want, however currently ignored, are reserved for future use for content type description, dynamical source definition etc...
Unmarked parts are stored in section named '_'.
Multiple sections are concatenated into one final section data.
- add_section_data ( $section_name, $data )
Add single or multiple items into specified section. $data should be single SML item or arrayref of items.
- get_section_arrayref ( $section_name )
Get section sml items as arrayref.
- get_section_sml ( $section_name )
Get section as plain sml text data.
- get_sections_names ( * )
Get names of all sections within block. In array context as array, otherwise as arrayref.
- feed_template ( $template )
Feed block data using parsed|unparsed sml template.