Changes for version 0.08 - 2014-04-15
- partial source padding feature: specify remove_source_padding => 1 in in CSS::Spritemaker::compose_sprite parts to remove padding from certain parts of the combines sprite only.
- new method to display layout in ascii format (see CSS::SpriteMaker::Layout)
Combine several images into a single CSS sprite
Layout interface for items placed on a 2D grid.
my $DirectoryBasedLayout = CSS::SpriteMaker::Layout::DirectoryBased->new( { "1" => { width => 128, height => 128, pathname => '/full/path/to/file1.png', parentdir => '/full/path/to', }, ... } );
my $FixedDimensionLayout = CSS::SpriteMaker::Layout::FixedDimension->new( # example $rh_item_info input structure { "1" => { width => 128, height => 128, }, ... }, # max 10 items on the same row, { dimension => 'horizontal', n => 10 }, );
Layout items trying to minimize the size of the resulting file.
A node of the Packed Layout