Aion::Query - functional interface for accessing database mysql and mariadb





package config;

config_module Aion::Query => {
    DRV  => "SQLite",
    BASE => "test-base.sqlite",
    BQ => 0,


use Aion::Query;

query "CREATE TABLE author (

insert "author", name => "Pushkin A.S." # -> 1

touch "author", name => "Pushkin A."    # -> 2
touch "author", name => "Pushkin A.S."  # -> 1
touch "author", name => "Pushkin A."    # -> 2

query_scalar "SELECT count(*) FROM author"  # -> 2

my @rows = query "SELECT *
FROM author
    if_name>> AND name like :name
    if_name => Aion::Query::BQ == 0,
    name => "P%",

\@rows # --> [{id => 1, name => "Pushkin A.S."}, {id => 2, name => "Pushkin A."}]

$Aion::Query::DEBUG[1]  # => query: INSERT INTO author (name) VALUES ('Pushkin A.S.')


When constructing queries, many disparate conditions are used, usually separated by different methods.

Aion::Query uses a different approach, which allows you to construct an SQL query in a query using a simple template engine.

The second problem is placing unicode characters into single-byte encodings, which reduces the size of the database. So far it has been solved only for the cp1251 encoding. It is controlled by the parameter BQ = 1.


query ($query, %params)

It provide SQL (DCL, DDL, DQL and DML) queries to DBMS with quoting params.

query "SELECT * FROM author WHERE name=:name", name => 'Pushkin A.S.' # --> [{id=>1, name=>"Pushkin A.S."}]


Returns last insert id.

query "INSERT INTO author (name) VALUES (:name)", name => "Alice"  # -> 1

quote ($scalar)

Quoted scalar for SQL-query.

quote undef     # => NULL
quote "abc"     # => 'abc'
quote 123       # => 123
quote "123"     # => '123'
quote(0+"123")  # => 123
quote(123 . "") # => '123'
quote 123.0       # => 123.0
quote(0.0+"126")  # => 126
quote("127"+0.0)  # => 127
quote("128"-0.0)  # => 128
quote("129"+1.e-100)  # => 129.0

# use for insert formula: SELECT :x as summ ⇒ x => \"xyz + 123"
quote \"without quote"  # => without quote

# use in: WHERE id in (:x)
quote [1,2,"5"] # => 1, 2, '5'

# use in: INSERT INTO author VALUES :x
quote [[1, 2], [3, "4"]]  # => (1, 2), (3, '4')

# use in multiupdate: UPDATE author SET name=CASE id :x ELSE null END
quote \[2=>'Pushkin A.', 1=>'Pushkin A.S.']  # => WHEN 2 THEN 'Pushkin A.' WHEN 1 THEN 'Pushkin A.S.'

# use for UPDATE SET :x or INSERT SET :x
quote {name => 'A.S.', id => 12}   # => id = 12, name = 'A.S.'

[map quote, -6, "-6", 1.5, "1.5"] # --> [-6, "'-6'", 1.5, "'1.5'"]

query_prepare ($query, %param)

Replace the parameters in $query. Parameters quotes by the quote.

query_prepare "INSERT author SET name IN (:name)", name => ["Alice", 1, 1.0]  # => INSERT author SET name IN ('Alice', 1, 1.0)

query_prepare ":x :^x :.x :~x", x => "10"  # => '10' 10 10.0 '10'

my $query = query_prepare "SELECT *
FROM author
    words*>> JOIN word:_
    name>> AND name like :name
    name => "%Alice%",
    words => [1, 2, 3],

my $res = << 'END';
FROM author
    JOIN word1
    JOIN word2
    JOIN word3
    AND name like '%Alice%'

$query # -> $res

query_do ($query)

Execution query and returns it result.

query_do "SELECT count(*) as n FROM author"  # --> [{n=>3}]
query_do "SELECT id FROM author WHERE id=2"  # --> [{id=>2}]

query_ref ($query, %kw)

As query, but always returns a reference.

my @res = query_ref "SELECT id FROM author WHERE id=:id", id => 2;
\@res  # --> [[ {id=>2} ]]

query_sth ($query, %kw)

As query, but returns $sth.

my $sth = query_sth "SELECT * FROM author";
my @rows;
while(my $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref) {
    push @rows, $row;

0+@rows  # -> 3

query_slice ($key, $val, @args)

As query, plus converts the result into the desired data structure.

my %author = query_slice name => "id", "SELECT id, name FROM author";
\%author  # --> {"Pushkin A.S." => 1, "Pushkin A." => 2, "Alice" => 3}

query_col ($query, %params)

Returns one column.

query_col "SELECT name FROM author ORDER BY name" # --> ["Alice", "Pushkin A.", "Pushkin A.S."]

eval {query_col "SELECT id, name FROM author"}; $@  # ~> Only one column is acceptable!

query_row ($query, %params)

Returns one row.

query_row "SELECT name FROM author WHERE id=2" # --> {name => "Pushkin A."}

my ($id, $name) = query_row "SELECT id, name FROM author WHERE id=2";
$id    # -> 2
$name  # => Pushkin A.

query_row_ref ($query, %params)

As query_row, but retuns array reference always.

my @x = query_row_ref "SELECT name FROM author WHERE id=2";
\@x # --> [{name => "Pushkin A."}]

eval {query_row_ref "SELECT name FROM author"}; $@  # ~> A few lines!

query_scalar ($query, %params)

Returns scalar.

query_scalar "SELECT name FROM author WHERE id=2" # => Pushkin A.

make_query_for_order ($order, $next)

Creates a condition for requesting a page not by offset, but by cursor pagination.

To do this, it receives $order of the SQL query and $next - a link to the next page.

my ($select, $where, $order_sel) = make_query_for_order "name DESC, id ASC", undef;

$select     # => name || ',' || id
$where      # -> 1
$order_sel  # -> undef

my @rows = query "SELECT $select as next FROM author WHERE $where LIMIT 2";

my $last = pop @rows;

($select, $where, $order_sel) = make_query_for_order "name DESC, id ASC", $last->{next};
$select     # => name || ',' || id
$where      # => (name < 'Pushkin A.'\nOR name = 'Pushkin A.' AND id >= '2')
$order_sel  # --> [qw/name id/]

See also: 1. Article L 2. L

settings ($id, $value)

Sets or returns a key from a table settings.

query "CREATE TABLE settings(

settings "x1"       # -> undef
settings "x1", 10   # -> 1
settings "x1"       # -> 10

load_by_id ($tab, $pk, $fields, @options)

Returns the entry by its id.

load_by_id author => 2  # --> {id=>2, name=>"Pushkin A."}
load_by_id author => 2, "name as n"  # --> {n=>"Pushkin A."}
load_by_id author => 2, "id+:x as n", x => 10  # --> {n=>12}

insert ($tab, %x)

Adds a record and returns its id.

insert 'author', name => 'Masha'  # -> 4

update ($tab, $id, %params)

Updates a record by its id, and returns this id.

update author => 3, name => 'Sasha'  # -> 3
eval { update author => 5, name => 'Sasha' }; $@  # ~> Row is not!

remove ($tab, $id)

Remove row from table by it id, and returns this id.

remove "author", 4  # -> 4
eval { remove author => 4 }; $@  # ~> Row does not exist!

query_id ($tab, %params)

Returns the id based on other fields.

query_id 'author', name => 'Pushkin A.' # -> 2

stores ($tab, $rows, %opt)

Saves data (update or insert). Returns count successful operations.

my @authors = (
    {id => 1, name => 'Pushkin A.S.'},
    {id => 2, name => 'Pushkin A.'},
    {id => 3, name => 'Sasha'},

query "SELECT * FROM author ORDER BY id" # --> \@authors

my $rows = stores 'author', [
    {name => 'Locatelli'},
    {id => 3, name => 'Kianu R.'},
    {id => 2, name => 'Pushkin A.'},
$rows  # -> 3

my $sql = "query: INSERT INTO author (id, name) VALUES (NULL, 'Locatelli'),
(3, 'Kianu R.'),
(2, 'Pushkin A.') ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE SET id =, name =";

$Aion::Query::DEBUG[$#Aion::Query::DEBUG]  # -> $sql

@authors = (
    {id => 1, name => 'Pushkin A.S.'},
    {id => 2, name => 'Pushkin A.'},
    {id => 3, name => 'Kianu R.'},
    {id => 5, name => 'Locatelli'},

query "SELECT * FROM author ORDER BY id" # --> \@authors

store ($tab, %params)

Saves data (update or insert). But one row.

store 'author', name => 'Bishop M.' # -> 1

touch ($tab, %params)

Super-powerful function: returns id of row, and if it doesn’t exist, creates or updates a row and still returns.

touch 'author', name => 'Pushkin A.' # -> 2
touch 'author', name => 'Pushkin X.' # -> 7


Returns the variable on which to set commit, otherwise the rollback occurs.

my $transaction = START_TRANSACTION;

query "UPDATE author SET name='Pushkin N.' where id=7"  # -> 1


query_scalar "SELECT name FROM author where id=7"  # => Pushkin N.

eval {
    my $transaction = START_TRANSACTION;

    query "UPDATE author SET name='Pushkin X.' where id=7" # -> 1

    die "!";  # rollback

query_scalar "SELECT name FROM author where id=7"  # => Pushkin N.

default_dsn ()

Default DSN for DBI->connect.

default_dsn  # => DBI:SQLite:dbname=test-base.sqlite

default_connect_options ()

DSN, USER, PASSWORD and commands after connect.

[default_connect_options]  # --> ['DBI:SQLite:dbname=test-base.sqlite', 'root', 123, []]

base_connect ($dsn, $user, $password, $conn)

Connect to base and returns connect and it identify.

my ($dbh, $connect_id) = base_connect("DBI:SQLite:dbname=base-2.sqlite", "toor", "toorpasswd", []);

ref $dbh     # => DBI::db
$connect_id  # -> -1

connect_respavn ($base)

Connection check and reconnection.

my $old_base = $Aion::Query::base;

$old_base->ping  # -> 1
connect_respavn $Aion::Query::base, $Aion::Query::base_connection_id;

$old_base  # -> $Aion::Query::base

connect_restart ($base)

Connection restart.

my $connection_id = $Aion::Query::base_connection_id;
my $base = $Aion::Query::base;

connect_restart $Aion::Query::base, $Aion::Query::base_connection_id;

$base->ping  # -> 0
$Aion::Query::base->ping  # -> 1

query_stop ()

A request may be running - you need to kill it.

Creates an additional connection to the base and kills the main one.

It using $Aion::Query::base_connection_id for this.

SQLite runs in the same process, so $Aion::Query::base_connection_id has -1. In this case, this method does nothing.

my @x = query_stop;
\@x  # --> []

sql_debug ($fn, $query)

Stores queries to the database in @Aion::Query::DEBUG. Called from query_do.

sql_debug label => "SELECT 123";

$Aion::Query::DEBUG[$#Aion::Query::DEBUG]  # => label: SELECT 123


Yaroslav O. Kosmina




The Aion::Surf module is copyright © 2023 Yaroslav O. Kosmina. Rusland. All rights reserved.