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Changes for version 0.6_3 - 2005-04-06
- added tests to check argument parsing (07.args.t)
- fixed minor bugs in argument parsing
Changes for version 0.6_2 - 2005-04-06
- new tests (06.alias.t) revealed bugs in where() and order_by()
Changes for version 0.6_1 - 2005-04-06
- removed ability to use Class::DBI::Plugin::CountSearch instead of Class::DBI::Plugin::AbstractCount to count results
- added detection of column aliases (stolen from Class::DBI::Plugin::CountSearch)
- lots of tests are now broken because the hackery used in the old tests to pretend to be a CDBI subclass can't support column aliases
- some new tests added, only supported with CDBI::mysql
paged queries for CDBI
in lib/Class/DBI/Plugin/Pager/LimitOffset.pm
in lib/Class/DBI/Plugin/Pager/LimitXY.pm
in lib/Class/DBI/Plugin/Pager/LimitYX.pm
in lib/Class/DBI/Plugin/Pager/RowsTo.pm