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This controls the pager display at the bottom (by default) of the list and search views. It expects a pager
template argument which responds to the Data::Page interface.
% return unless $pager and ( $pager->first_page != $pager->last_page );
<p class="pager">Pages:
<%perl> my $begin_page = $pager->current_page - 10; $begin_page = $pager->first_page if $begin_page < 1;
my $end_page = $pager->current_page + 10;
$end_page = $pager->last_page if $pager->last_page < $end_page;
foreach my $num ( $begin_page .. $end_page )
if ( $num == $pager->current_page )
<span class="current-page"><% $num %></span>
my $args = "?page=$num";
$args .= "&order=" . $request->query->{order} if $request->query->{order};
$args .= "&o2=desc" if $request->query->{o2} eq "desc";
my $action = "list";
foreach my $col ( @{ $classmetadata->{columns} } )
if ( $request->query->{ $col } )
$args .= "&$col=" . $request->query->{ $col };
$action = "search";
<& link, table => $classmetadata->table,
command => $action,
additional => $args,
label => $num &>
% }
% }