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This distribution is up for adoption!
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Changes for version 0.219
- changed send_output() to add a component root based on the model moniker, rather than the table name. In most cases these will be identical.
- fixed a bug where all custom component roots were compiled in the same subdirectory of the Mason data dir, thus breaking the ability of different versions of the same template to be called for different tables (mreece). Can't figure out why this never affected me, since it's pretty fundamental to the whole thing.
use Mason as the frontend and view for Maypole version 2
Mason view subclass for MasonX::Maypole + Maypole 2
in lib/MasonX/Maypole.pm
Other files
- Build.PL
- Changes
- META.yml
- Makefile.PL
- lib/templates/factory/addnew
- lib/templates/factory/button
- lib/templates/factory/display_line
- lib/templates/factory/edit
- lib/templates/factory/frontpage
- lib/templates/factory/link
- lib/templates/factory/macros
- lib/templates/factory/maybe_link_view
- lib/templates/factory/navbar
- lib/templates/factory/pager
- lib/templates/factory/search_form
- lib/templates/factory/view
- lib/templates/factory/view_item
- lib/templates/factory/view_related