Revision history for Perl extension Sub::Approx.
0.01 Mon Jul 24 10:29:47 2000
original version; created by h2xs 1.19
0.02 Thu Jul 27 11:13:37 2000
added README and COPYING files to tarball
0.03 Thu Jul 27 11:19:44 2000
Corrected typos (more haste less whatsit!)
0.04 Fri Jul 28 09:32:28 2000
Corrected module description.
0.05 Fri Aug 18 11:09:51 2000
Added user configurable features (thanks Leon)
1.01 Thu Aug 24 18:52:48 2000
Various tidying
1.02 Mon Oct 09 19:50:18
Incorporated Robin's patches:
Don't assume we're being called from main
Allow different packages to use different Approx semantics
New tests