Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 17 Learn more

use strict; use warnings;
# Dev versions will have a _0xx suffix.
# We eval the $VERSION to accommodate dev version numbering as described in
# perldoc perlmodstyle
our $VERSION = '0.71';
#$VERSION = eval $VERSION; ## no critic (eval)
use Carp;
sub register {
extends => [qw(CPP)],
overrides => [qw(get_parser)],
sub get_parser {
my $o = shift;
return Inline::CPP::Parser::RecDescent::get_parser_recdescent($o);
sub get_parser_recdescent {
my $o = shift;
eval { require Parse::RecDescent };
croak <<END if $@;
This invocation of Inline requires the Parse::RecDescent module.
no warnings qw/ once /; ## no critic (warnings)
$::RD_HINT = 1; # Turns on Parse::RecDescent's warnings/diagnostics.
my $parser = Parse::RecDescent->new(grammar());
$parser->{data}{typeconv} = $o->{ILSM}{typeconv};
$parser->{ILSM} = $o->{ILSM}; # give parser access to config options
return $parser;
use vars qw($TYPEMAP_KIND $class_part $class_decl $star);
# Parse::RecDescent 1.90 and later have an incompatible change
# 'The key of an %item entry for a repeated subrule now includes
# the repetition specifier.'
# Hence various hash keys may or may not need trailing '(s?)' depending on
# the version of Parse::RecDescent we are using.
# Deal with Parse::RecDescent's version numbers for development
# releases (eg, '1.96_000') resulting in a warning about non-numeric in >
# comparison.
{ # Lexical scope.
# Eval away the underscore. "1.96_000" => "1.96000".
# Use that "stable release" version number as the basis for our numeric
# comparison.
my $stable_version = eval $Parse::RecDescent::VERSION; ## no critic (eval)
($class_part, $class_decl, $star)
= map { ($stable_version > 1.89) ? "$_(s?)" : $_ }
qw ( class_part class_decl star );
} # End lexical scope.
# Regular expressions to match code blocks, numbers, strings, parenthesized
# expressions, function calls, and macros. The more complex regexes are only
# implemented in 5.6.0 and above, so they're in eval-blocks.
# These are all adapted from the output of Damian Conway's excellent
# Regexp::Common module. In future, Inline::CPP may depend directly on it,
# but for now I'll just duplicate the code.
use vars qw( $code_block $string $number $parens $funccall );
# $RE{balanced}{-parens=>q|{}()[]"'|}
eval <<'END'; ## no critic (eval)
$code_block = qr'(?-xism:(?-xism:(?:[{](?:(?>[^][)(}{]+)|(??{$Inline::CPP::Parser::RecDescent::code_block}))*[}]))|(?-xism:(?-xism:(?:[(](?:(?>[^][)(}{]+)|(??{$Inline::CPP::Parser::RecDescent::code_block}))*[)]))|(?-xism:(?-xism:(?:[[](?:(?>[^][)(}{]+)|(??{$Inline::CPP::Parser::RecDescent::code_block}))*[]]))|(?-xism:(?!)))))';
$code_block = qr'{[^}]*}' if $@; # For the stragglers: here's a lame regexp.
# $RE{balanced}{-parens=>q|()"'|}
eval <<'END'; ## no critic (eval)
$parens = qr'(?-xism:(?-xism:(?:[(](?:(?>[^)(]+)|(??{$Inline::CPP::Parser::RecDescent::parens}))*[)]))|(?-xism:(?!)))';
$parens = qr'\([^)]*\)' if $@; # For the stragglers: here's another
# $RE{quoted}
= qr'(?:(?:\")(?:[^\\\"]*(?:\\.[^\\\"]*)*)(?:\")|(?:\')(?:[^\\\']*(?:\\.[^\\\']*)*)(?:\')|(?:\`)(?:[^\\\`]*(?:\\.[^\\\`]*)*)(?:\`))';
# $RE{num}{real}|$RE{num}{real}{-base=>16}|$RE{num}{int}
= qr'(?:(?i)(?:[+-]?)(?:(?=[0123456789]|[.])(?:[0123456789]*)(?:(?:[.])(?:[0123456789]{0,}))?)(?:(?:[E])(?:(?:[+-]?)(?:[0123456789]+))|))|(?:(?i)(?:[+-]?)(?:(?=[0123456789ABCDEF]|[.])(?:[0123456789ABCDEF]*)(?:(?:[.])(?:[0123456789ABCDEF]{0,}))?)(?:(?:[G])(?:(?:[+-]?)(?:[0123456789ABCDEF]+))|))|(?:(?:[+-]?)(?:\d+))';
= qr/(?:[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*::)*[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*(?:$Inline::CPP::Parser::RecDescent::parens)?/;
# Inline::CPP's grammar
sub grammar {
return <<'END';
{ use Data::Dumper; }
sub handle_class_def {
my ($thisparser, $def) = @_;
# print "Found a class: $def->[0]\n";
my $class = $def->[0];
my @parts;
for my $part (@{$def->[1]}) { push @parts, @$_ for @$part }
push @{$thisparser->{data}{classes}}, $class
unless defined $thisparser->{data}{class}{$class};
$thisparser->{data}{class}{$class} = \@parts;
# print "Class $class:\n", Dumper \@parts;
Inline::CPP::Parser::RecDescent::typemap($thisparser, $class);
[$class, \@parts];
sub handle_typedef {
my ($thisparser, $t) = @_;
my ($name, $type) = @{$t}{qw(name type)};
# print "found a typedef: $name => $type\n";
# XXX: this doesn't handle non-class typedefs that we could handle,
# e.g. "typedef int my_int_t"
if ($thisparser->{data}{class}{$type}
&& !exists($thisparser->{data}{class}{$name})) {
push @{$thisparser->{data}{classes}}, $name;
$thisparser->{data}{class}{$name} = $thisparser->{data}{class}{$type};
Inline::CPP::Parser::RecDescent::typemap($thisparser, $name);
sub handle_enum {
my ($thisparser, $t) = @_;
code: part(s) {1}
part: comment
| typedef
handle_typedef($thisparser, $item[1]);
| enum
my $t = handle_enum($thisparser, $item[1]);
push @{$thisparser->{data}{enums}}, $t;
| class_def
handle_class_def($thisparser, $item[1]);
| function_def
# print "found a function: $item[1]->{name}\n";
my $name = $item[1]->{name};
my $i=0;
for my $arg (@{$item[1]->{args}}) {
$arg->{name} = 'dummy' . ++$i unless defined $arg->{name};
push @{$thisparser->{data}{functions}}, $name
unless defined $thisparser->{data}{function}{$name};
$thisparser->{data}{function}{$name} = $item[1];
# print Dumper $item[1];
| all
typedef: 'typedef' class IDENTIFIER(?) '{' <commit> class_part(s?) '}' IDENTIFIER ';'
my ($class, $parts);
$class = $item[3][0] || 'anon_class'.($thisparser->{data}{anonclass}++);
($class, $parts)= handle_class_def($thisparser, [$class, $item{$Inline::CPP::Parser::RecDescent::class_part}]);
{ thing => 'typedef', name => $item[8], type => $class, body => $parts }
{ { thing => 'typedef', name => $item[3], type => $item[2] } }
| 'typedef' /[^;]*/ ';'
# dprint "Typedef $item{__DIRECTIVE1__} is too heinous\n";
{ thing => 'comment'}
enum: 'enum' IDENTIFIER(?) '{' <leftop: enum_item ',' enum_item> '}' ';'
{ thing => 'enum', name => $item{IDENTIFIER}[0],
body => $item{__DIRECTIVE1__} }
enum_item: IDENTIFIER '=' <commit> /[0-9]+/
{ [$item{IDENTIFIER}, $item{__PATTERN1__}] }
{ [$item{IDENTIFIER}, undef] }
class_def: class IDENTIFIER '{' <commit> class_part(s?) '}' ';'
| class IDENTIFIER ':' <commit> <leftop: inherit ',' inherit>
'{' class_part(s?) '}' ';'
push @{$item{$Inline::CPP::Parser::RecDescent::class_part}}, [$item{__DIRECTIVE2__}];
inherit: scope IDENTIFIER
{ {thing => 'inherits', name => $item[2], scope => $item[1]} }
class_part: comment { [ {thing => 'comment'} ] }
| scope ':' <commit> class_decl(s?)
for my $part (@{$item{$Inline::CPP::Parser::RecDescent::class_decl}}) {
$_->{scope} = $item[1] for @$part;
| class_decl(s)
for my $part (@{$item[1]}) {
$_->{scope} = $thisparser->{data}{defaultscope}
for @$part;
class_decl: comment { [{thing => 'comment'}] }
| typedef { [ handle_typedef($thisparser, $item[1]) ] }
| enum { [ handle_enum($thisparser, $item[1]) ] }
| class_def
my ($class, $parts) = handle_class_def($thisparser, $item[1]);
[{ thing => 'class', name => $class, body => $parts }];
| method_def
$item[1]->{thing} = 'method';
# print "class_decl found a method: $item[1]->{name}\n";
my $i=0;
for my $arg (@{$item[1]->{args}}) {
$arg->{name} = 'dummy' . ++$i unless defined $arg->{name};
| member_def
# print "class_decl found one or more members:\n", Dumper(\@item);
$_->{thing} = 'member' for @{$item[1]};
function_def: operator <commit> ';'
| operator <commit> smod(?) code_block
| IDENTIFIER '(' <commit> <leftop: arg ',' arg>(s?) ')' smod(?) code_block
{name => $item{IDENTIFIER}, args => $item{__DIRECTIVE2__}, rtype => '' }
| rtype IDENTIFIER '(' <leftop: arg ',' arg>(s?) ')' ';'
{rtype => $item[1], name => $item[2], args => $item{__DIRECTIVE1__} }
| rtype IDENTIFIER '(' <leftop: arg ',' arg>(s?) ')' smod(?) code_block
{rtype => $item{rtype}, name => $item[2], args => $item{__DIRECTIVE1__} }
method_def: operator <commit> method_imp
# print "method operator:\n", Dumper $item[1];
| IDENTIFIER '(' <commit> <leftop: arg ',' arg>(s?) ')' method_imp
# print "con-/de-structor found: $item[1]\n";
{name => $item[1], args => $item{__DIRECTIVE2__}, abstract => ${$item{method_imp}} };
| rtype IDENTIFIER '(' <leftop: arg ',' arg>(s?) ')' method_imp
# print "method found: $item[2]\n";
$return =
{name => $item[2], rtype => $item[1], args => $item[4],
abstract => ${$item[6]},
rconst => $thisparser->{data}{smod}{const},
$thisparser->{data}{smod}{const} = 0;
operator: rtype(?) 'operator' /\(\)|[^()]+/ '(' <leftop: arg ',' arg>(s?) ')'
# print "Found operator: $item[1][0] operator $item[3]\n";
{name=> "operator $item[3]", args => $item[5], ret => $item[1][0]}
# By adding smod, we allow 'const' member functions. This would also bind to
# incorrect C++ with the word 'static' after the argument list, but we don't
# care at all because such code would never be compiled successfully.
# By adding init, we allow constructors to initialize references. Again, we'll
# allow them anywhere, but our goal is not to enforce c++ standards -- that's
# the compiler's job.
method_imp: smod(?) ';' { \0 }
| smod(?) '=' <commit> '0' ';' { \1 }
| smod(?) initlist(?) code_block { \0 }
| smod(?) '=' '0' code_block { \0 }
initlist: ':' <leftop: subexpr ',' subexpr>
member_def: anytype <leftop: var ',' var> ';'
my @retval;
for my $def (@{$item[2]}) {
my $type = join '', $item[1], @{$def->[0]};
my $name = $def->[1];
# print "member found: type=$type, name=$name\n";
push @retval, { name => $name, type => $type };
var: star(s?) IDENTIFIER '=' expr { [@item[1,2]] }
| star(s?) IDENTIFIER '[' expr ']' { [@item[1,2]] }
| star(s?) IDENTIFIER { [@item[1,2]] }
arg: type IDENTIFIER '=' expr
# print "argument $item{IDENTIFIER} found\n";
# print "expression: $item{expr}\n";
{type => $item[1], name => $item{IDENTIFIER}, optional => 1,
offset => $thisoffset}
# print "argument $item{IDENTIFIER} found\n";
{type => $item[1], name => $item{IDENTIFIER}, offset => $thisoffset}
| type { {type => $item[1]} }
| '...'
{ {name => '...', type => '...', offset => $thisoffset} }
ident_part: /[~_a-z]\w*/i '<' <commit> <leftop: IDENTIFIER ',' IDENTIFIER>(s?) '>'
$item[1].'<'.join('', @{$item[4]}).'>'
| /[~_a-z]\w*/i
IDENTIFIER: <leftop: ident_part '::' ident_part>
my $x = join '::', @{$item[1]};
# print "IDENTIFIER: $x\n";
# Parse::RecDescent is retarded in this one case: if a subrule fails, it
# gives up the entire rule. This is a stupid way to get around that.
rtype: rtype2 | rtype1
rtype1: TYPE star(s?)
$return = $item[1];
$return .= join '',' ',@{$item[2]} if @{$item[2]};
# print "rtype1: $return\n";
# return undef
# unless(defined$thisparser->{data}{typeconv}{valid_rtypes}{$return});
rtype2: modifier(s) TYPE star(s?)
$return = $item[2];
$return = join ' ',grep{$_}@{$item[1]},$return
if @{$item[1]};
$return .= join '',' ',@{$item[3]} if @{$item[3]};
# print "rtype2: $return\n";
# return undef
# unless(defined$thisparser->{data}{typeconv}{valid_rtypes}{$return});
$return = 'static ' . $return
if $thisparser->{data}{smod}{static};
$thisparser->{data}{smod}{static} = 0;
type: type2 | type1
type1: TYPE star(s?)
$return = $item[1];
$return .= join '',' ',@{$item{$Inline::CPP::Parser::RecDescent::star}} if @{$item{$Inline::CPP::Parser::RecDescent::star}};
# print "type1: $return\n";
# return undef
# unless(defined$thisparser->{data}{typeconv}{valid_types}{$return});
type2: modifier(s) TYPE star(s?)
$return = $item{TYPE};
$return = join ' ',grep{$_}@{$item[1]},$return if @{$item[1]};
$return .= join '',' ',@{$item{$Inline::CPP::Parser::RecDescent::star}} if @{$item{$Inline::CPP::Parser::RecDescent::star}};
# print "type2: $return\n";
# return undef
# unless(defined$thisparser->{data}{typeconv}{valid_types}{$return});
anytype: anytype2 | anytype1
anytype1: TYPE star(s?)
$return = $item[1];
$return .= join '',' ',@{$item[2]} if @{$item[2]};
anytype2: modifier(s) TYPE star(s?)
$return = $item[2];
$return = join ' ',grep{$_}@{$item[1]},$return if @{$item[1]};
$return .= join '',' ',@{$item[3]} if @{$item[3]};
comment: m{\s* // [^\n]* \n }x
| m{\s* /\* (?:[^*]+|\*(?!/))* \*/ ([ \t]*)? }x
# long and short aren't recognized as modifiers because they break when used
# as regular types. Another Parse::RecDescent problem is greedy matching; I
# need tmodifier to "give back" long or short in cases where keeping them would
# cause the modifier rule to fail. One side-effect is 'long long' can never
# be parsed correctly here.
modifier: tmod
| smod { ++$thisparser->{data}{smod}{$item[1]}; ''}
| nmod { '' }
tmod: 'unsigned' # | 'long' | 'short'
smod: 'const' | 'static'
nmod: 'extern' | 'virtual' | 'mutable' | 'volatile' | 'inline'
scope: 'public' | 'private' | 'protected'
class: 'class' { $thisparser->{data}{defaultscope} = 'private'; $item[1] }
| 'struct' { $thisparser->{data}{defaultscope} = 'public'; $item[1] }
star: '*' | '&'
code_block: /$Inline::CPP::Parser::RecDescent::code_block/
# Consume expressions
expr: <leftop: subexpr OP subexpr> {
my $o = join '', @{$item[1]};
# print "expr: $o\n";
subexpr: /$Inline::CPP::Parser::RecDescent::funccall/ # Matches a macro, too
| /$Inline::CPP::Parser::RecDescent::string/
| /$Inline::CPP::Parser::RecDescent::number/
| UOP subexpr
OP: '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '^' | '&' | '|' | '%' | '||' | '&&'
UOP: '~' | '!' | '-' | '*' | '&'
all: /.*/
# Generate typemap code for the classes and structs we bind to. This allows
# functions declared after a class to return or accept class objects as
# parameters.
$TYPEMAP_KIND = 'O_Inline_CPP_Class';
sub typemap {
my ($parser, $typename) = @_;
# print "Inline::CPP::Parser::RecDescent::typemap(): typename=$typename\n";
$TYPEMAP = "$typename *\t\t$TYPEMAP_KIND\n";
$INPUT = <<"END";
if (sv_isobject(\$arg) && (SvTYPE(SvRV(\$arg)) == SVt_PVMG)) {
\$var = (\$type)SvIV((SV*)SvRV( \$arg ));
else {
warn ( \\"\${Package}::\$func_name() -- \$var is not a blessed reference\\" );
$OUTPUT = <<"END";
sv_setref_pv( \$arg, CLASS, (void*)\$var );
my $ctypename = $typename . ' *';
$parser->{data}{typeconv}{input_expr}{$TYPEMAP_KIND} ||= $INPUT;
$parser->{data}{typeconv}{output_expr}{$TYPEMAP_KIND} ||= $OUTPUT;
$parser->{data}{typeconv}{type_kind}{$ctypename} = $TYPEMAP_KIND;
# Default action is to strip ellipses from the C++ code. This allows having
# _only_ a '...' in the code, just like XS. It is the default.
sub strip_ellipsis {
my ($parser, $args) = @_;
return if $parser->{ILSM}{PRESERVE_ELLIPSIS};
for (my $i = 0; $i < @$args; $i++) {
next unless $args->[$i]{name} eq '...';
# if it's the first one, just strip it
if ($i == 0) {
substr($parser->{ILSM}{code}, $args->[$i]{offset} - 3, 3, ' ');
else {
my $prev = $i - 1;
my $prev_offset = $args->[$prev]{offset};
my $length = $args->[$i]{offset} - $prev_offset;
substr($parser->{ILSM}{code}, $prev_offset, $length) =~ s/\S/ /g;
my $hack = sub { # Appease -w using Inline::Files
print Parse::RecDescent::IN '';
print Parse::RecDescent::IN '';
print Parse::RecDescent::TRACE_FILE '';
print Parse::RecDescent::TRACE_FILE '';
=head1 Inline::CPP::Parser::RecDescent
All functions are internal. No documentation necessary.