
Currently Seq->wrap stops at the first undef.

my $list = Seq->wrap(1,2,3,undef,4,5,6)

This input will only contain the elements 1,2,3 in a sequence. Everything after undef is discarded.

Another approach would be to skip undef so the sequence could contain 1,2,3,4,5,6 instead.

I don't know if this is a good decision. It would be easier for some other functions that return such garbage to work with. But is this really a good idea?

Maybe undef is used for a purpose to return between those values. Yeah , whoever design something like this has no clue about good design.

Skipping undef seems like a good idea, but then it messes with such bad design choices like described.

In this case I think it is better to only pick everything up to the first undef. A user probably will notice this faster and can evaluate this behaviour.

Maybe undef can be skipped. Then some glue code must be written to handle this case. If undef cannot be skipped. Then again, some glue code must be written to support this strange behaviour.

Aborting on the first undef is probably the best we can do to ensure erroneous behaviour is catched as soon as possible.