XML::Liberal - extracts strings from HTML, XML and similarly tagged text.


use XML::Liberal;
my $p = XML::Liberal->new(); #This is the same as:
my $p = XML::Liberal->new(
    tagl => '<',
    tagr => '>',
    tagc => '/',
    verbatim => ['applet', 'code', 'pre', 'script']
my $subtext  = $p->within($ml, $tag, $index);
   $subtext  = $p->innertext($ml);
   $subtext  = $p->wpath($ml, $path);
my $tagvalue = $p->tagval($ml, $tag, $index);
my $count    = $p->tagcount($ml, $tag);



XML::Liberal is meant to parse markup languages such as HTML and XML in the knowledge that someone, somewhere, is going to break every rule in the book. It will handle malformed XML, wrongly nested HTML tags and everything else that I have thrown at it. The results may not be what the author of the mistake expected, but that's their headache.


My original intent when writing it was to enable me to write tests when developing code that generates HTML. I want to be able to change any aspect of the HTML without breaking every test previously written. I could find no way of doing this with existing tools, so I wrote this. It is based on a module I wrote for Excel in VBA that I use for web scraping.


All methods take a string and return a string (an integer in one case). There are no complicated data structures.

The object

my $p = XML::Liberal->new();

For most cases, the defaults will be all you need. You could specify the version below, but it merely applies the defaults. However, it shows how to specify the properties should you have a need.

my $p = XML::Liberal->new(
    tagl => '<',
    tagr => '>',
    tagc => '/',
    verbatim => ['applet', 'code', 'pre', 'script']

The parser object has four properties. Three of these describe how a tag appears.

Property Default Meaning
tagl     <       The leftmost character(s) of a tag
tagr     >       The rightmost character(s) of a tag
tagc     /       The character(s) indicating a closing tag

While the code has been written to handle multiple characters in each delimiter, I know of no use case for this and have written no tests. I do know that Template::Toolkit uses two character delimiters but cannot see a situation in which it would constitute tag delimited text.

The fourth property is an array of "verbatim" tags. Data within such tags will not be treated as tags. If you want to use this parser on data within verbatim tags, create a parser object without the verbatim tag(s) that are the problem. There is nothing to prevent you having two parser objects with different properties and using the right one for each task.


$p->within($ml, $tag, $index);

within returns the text between an opening tag and a closing tag. So:

my $p = XML::Liberal->new();
my $ml = '<x>asdf</x>';
my $within = $p->within($ml, 'x');
ok ('asdf' eq $within, "Simple within works");

The index is optional and defaults to 1 (the first occurrence of the tag). This is done to retain compatibility with Xpath specs so that the "wpath" method, described later, can accept valid xpaths without modification. It is the appearance of the opening tag that is counted; nesting is ignored. So:

$ml = '<x><x><x>asdf</x></x></x><x>qwer</x>';
$within = $p->within($ml, 'x', 2);
ok ('<x>asdf</x>' eq $within, "Indexing works with nested tags");

If an index is given that is higher than can be found, a zero length string will be returned. An index of zero (or undef or a zero length string) will return the first item. Negative indices work in the same was as in Perl generally, -1 indicating the last opening tag found and other negative numbers counting backwards. So:

$ml = '<x><x><x>asdf</x></x></x><x>qwer</x>';
$within = $p->within($ml, 'x', 0);
ok ('<x><x>asdf</x></x>' eq $within, 
  "Zero index is the first element");
$within = $p->within($ml, 'x', -1);
ok ('qwer' eq $within, 
  "Negative index works as in Perl");
$within = $p->within($ml, 'x', -2);
ok ('asdf' eq $within, 
  "Negative indices continue working backwards");

Extraneous tags are ignored whether they are matched properly:

$ml = '<x><y><z>asdf</z></y></x>';
$within = $p->within($ml, 'z');
ok ('asdf' eq $within, 'Outer non-target tags ignored');

or mismatched:

$ml = '<x><y>asdf</x></y>';
$within = $p->within($ml, 'x');
ok ('<y>asdf' eq $within, "Mismatched tags return something sensible");
$within = $p->within($ml, 'y');
ok ('asdf</x>' eq $within, 
  "Mismatched tags return something sensible again");

An unclosed tag is considered to be closed implicitly at the end of the data. With nested unmatched tags, the closing tag(s) are allocated to the innermost open tag first. So:

$ml = '<x><x>asdf</x>';
$within = $p->within($ml, 'x');
ok ('<x>asdf</x>' eq $within, "Handles unclosed tags");


$subtext = $p->wpath($ml, $path);

This is a wrapper around within that allows a path to be specified in Xpath format. A valid xpath that uses no indexing is always a valid wpath. But wpath is far more liberal and will accept the omission of any step in the path that is not required to identify the wanted text. Indeed, wpath will be faster if such steps are omitted. So, with 80 lines of HTML I sha'n't repeat here:

my $text = $p->wpath($ml, 
ok('17' eq $text, "Full xpath works");
$text = $p->wpath($ml, 'tbody/tr[2]/td[2]');
ok('17' eq $text, "Abbreviated wpath works");

Both variants work with the second being faster. If you know there are no <tr> tags in the table header (there are in the test HTML), the tbody could be omitted, too. Since each step in a path is split using the '[' character and non-numeric characters deleted, it is perfectly acceptable in a wpath to omit the closing ']'. Indeed, the liberal approach means you can do some spectacularly improper things to the wpath and it will still work. Just don't tell anyone I advised it.

An xpath that uses an index will differ from a wpath if and only if the tag is repeated both at the same nesting level and at a deeper nesting level before the tag that xpath would select. So:

my $ml = '<a><a>asdf</a><a>qwer</a>';

Using a[2], xpath would return qwer while wpath would return asdf.

Indices work as they do using within. An index with no numeric characters is treated as 1, i.e. the first element. Zero is also treated as being the first element. An index of undef is changed to 1.


$p->tagval($ml, $tag, $index);

I have never needed this, but I can envisage doing so. tagval returns the attributes inside a tag as opposed to the data between an opening and closing tag. So:

my $ml = '<a href="">Click</a>';
my $val = $p->tagval($ml, 'a');
ok ('href=""' eq $val, 'Simple tagval works');
$within = $p->within($ml, 'a');
ok ('Click' eq $within, "Within tags with values works");

As for 'within', the index is optional and defaults to 1.



This is something I need when scraping web pages that change their format without warning. Provided I have some pointers to the data, innertext will return the text from within any tags it may find, starting at the first non-tag character. So:

$ml = '<x><x><x><x>asdf</x></x></x></x>';
$inner = $p->innertext($ml);
ok('asdf' eq $inner, 'Tags 4 deep works');
$ml = '<x>asdf<x><x><x>asdf</x></x></x></x>';
$inner = $p->innertext($ml);
ok('asdf<x><x><x>asdf</x></x></x>' eq $inner,
     'Deep tags returned after text starts');

Provided there is no text between the leading tags, mismatched tags will not cause problems:

$ml = '<x><y>asdf</x></y>';
$inner = $p->innertext($ml);
ok('asdf' eq $inner, 'Magic happens to mismatched tags');


my $count = $p->tagcount($ml, $tag);

Returns the number of opening target tags in $ml or zero if it doesn't exist. This is the exception that returns an integer rather than a string.

my $ml = '<div><div><div><div>asdf</div></div></div></div>';
my $n = $p->tagcount($ml, 'div');
ok (4 == $n, 'Correct number of div tags');
$n = $p->tagcount($ml, 'x');
ok (0 == $n, 'Correct number of x tags');


XML::Liberal cannot handle more text than will fit in memory.

Tags cannot be split over more than one line (but having the opening and closing tags on different lines is fine). If you have split tags, a possible workaround is to change carriage returns and line feeds to spaces before passing the string to the parser.

Neither YAML nor JSON can be handled.

Internally, XML::Liberal uses lots of regexes (and other things as well. I know regexes alone aren't enough). I have NOT tried to prevent users from writing regex-style elements in tags, but I dread to think what will happen if someone tries. By all means try, though. And may your God go with you.


I presented this to the London Perl Mongers on 2016-04-21. There is a YouTube video at


John Davies





I tried - and had problems with - several modules. I may be the problem. But I tried:






and they may be better for you than this.


1.0.0. See


Copyright (c) 2016, John Davies. All rights reserved.


This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.