0.210370  2021-02-06 14:45:33+01:00 Europe/Brussels
    - Additions
      - 42/1331: New command-line option --outdir to control output location
      - 42: New script (still in development) for debriefing metagenomic runs of 42
      - 1331: Support for basic multithreading (--threads command-line option)
    - Fixes
      - 42: Fixed minor bugs in yaml-generator-42.pl
      - 42: Made user tests more robust by only calling BLAST by default
      - 1331: Restored broken function due to regression bug
0.202160  2020-08-03 20:10:23+02:00 Europe/Brussels
    - Additions
      - 42: Optional consolidation of redundant orthologues (through CAP3 contiging)
      - 42: Support for basic multithreading (--threads command-line option)
      - 1331: Added 'off' value for aligner_mode (e.g., to extract UTRs)
    - Changes
      - 42/1331: Improved warning/error messages (prefixed by [RUN] etc)
      - 42/1331: Renamed some options in YAML file (ref_brh_mode => ref_brh, trimming_mode => trim_homologues, ali_patch_mode => ali_skip_self, ls_action => ali_keep_lengthened_seqs)
      - 42: Inverted columns in yaml-generator-42.pl mapper (IDM) files for consistency with Bio::MUST::Core
      - 42: Updated yaml-generator-42.pl to mirror option name changes
      - 42: Enabled auto-detagging of preexisting #NEW# seqs (but see ali_keep_old_new_tags)
      - 42: Improved robustness of orgs and query_orgs name checking in YAML file
    - Fixes
      - 42: Fixed bug leading to empty tax-reports in metagenomic mode
      - 42: Fixed bug where preexisting #NEW# seqs causing a "Can't call method "stringify" on an undefined value"
      - 42: Fixed bug where preexisting #NEW# seqs were removed due to wrongly detected redundancy

0.190820  2019-03-23 18:19:55+01:00 Europe/Brussels
    - first release