Changes for version 0.180270 - 2018-01-28

  • Additions
    • CdHit: new driver
  • Changes
    • Blast: changed API for a database-centered view; breaks existing code!
    • Hmmer: changed API for a model-centered view; breaks existing code!
  • Fixes
    • Blast::Database: now handles multipart databases (such as local nr)
    • Blast: updated remote tests to BLAST 2.7.1+


Bio::MUST classes for driving external programs
Bio::MUST driver for running the NCBIBLAST+ suite of programs
internal class for BLAST driver
internal class for BLAST driver
Bio::MUST driver for running the CAP3 assembly program
Bio::MUST driver for running the cd-hit program
Bio::MUST driver for running the exonerate alignment program
Bio::MUST driver for running the exonerate alignment program
internal class for exonerate driver
Bio::MUST driver for running HMMER3
internal class for HMMER3 driver
internal class for HMMER3 driver
internal class for HMMER3 driver
BLAST database-related methods
HMMER model-related methods
Utility functions for drivers