Changes for version 0.181160 - 2018-04-26
- Additions
- CdHit: added support for optional args to constructor
- Fixes
- Blast: makeblastdb and blastdbcmd now also honor BMD_BLAST_BINDIR
- Blast: disabled some tests failing due to unstable results
Bio::MUST classes for driving external programs
Bio::MUST driver for running the NCBIBLAST+ suite of programs
Internal class for BLAST driver
Internal class for BLAST driver
Bio::MUST driver for running the CAP3 assembly program
Bio::MUST driver for running the cd-hit program
Bio::MUST driver for running the Clustal Omega program
Bio::MUST driver for running the exonerate alignment program
Bio::MUST driver for running the exonerate alignment program
Internal class for exonerate driver
Bio::MUST driver for running HMMER3
Internal class for HMMER3 driver
Internal class for HMMER3 driver
Internal class for HMMER3 driver
Bio::MUST driver for running the MAFFT program
BLAST database-related methods
HMMER model-related methods
Utility functions for drivers