Mojo::Redis2::Bulk - Mojo::Redis2 bulk operations
Mojo::Redis2::Bulk allow many Mojo::Redis2 operations to be grouped into one serialized operation. This can help you avoid crazy many callback arguments.
use Mojo::Redis2;
my $redis = Mojo::Redis2->new;
my $bulk = $redis->bulk;
$res = $bulk->set(foo => 123)->get("foo")->execute;
sub {
my ($delay) = @_;
$bulk->set(foo => 123)->get("foo")->execute($delay->begin);
sub {
my ($delay, $err, $res) = @_;
$self->render(json => {
err => $err->compact->join('. '),
res => $res,
In both the sync and async examples above, $res
will contain on success:
on the other hand will be a Mojo::Collection object with all one element for each error message.
In addition to the methods listed in this module, you can call these Redis methods on $self
append, bitcount, bitop, bitpos, decr, decrby, del, echo, eval, evalsha, exists, expire, expireat, geoadd, geodist, geohash, geopos, georadius, georadiusbymember, get, getbit, getrange, getset, hdel, hexists, hget, hgetall, hincrby, hincrbyfloat, hkeys, hlen, hmget, hmset, hset, hsetnx, hstrlen, hvals, incr, incrby, incrbyfloat, keys, lindex, linsert, llen, lpop, lpush, lpushx, lrange, lrem, lset, ltrim, mget, move, mset, msetnx, persist, pexpire, pexpireat, pfadd, pfcount, pfmerge, ping, psetex, pttl, publish, randomkey, rename, renamenx, rpop, rpoplpush, rpush, rpushx, sadd, scard, sdiff, sdiffstore, set, setbit, setex, setnx, setrange, sinter, sinterstore, sismember, smembers, smove, sort, spop, srandmember, srem, strlen, sunion, sunionstore, ttl, type, zadd, zcard, zcount, zincrby, zinterstore, zlexcount, zrange, zrangebylex, zrangebyscore, zrem, zremrangebylex, zremrangebyrank, zremrangebyscore, zrank, zrevrange, zrevrangebylex, zrevrangebyscore, zrevrank, zscore, zunionstore
$res = $self->execute;
$self = $self->execute(sub { my ($self, $err, $res) = @_; });
Will execute all the queued Redis operations.
Copyright (C) 2014, Jan Henning Thorsen
This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0.
Jan Henning Thorsen -