Mojo::Log::Role::AttachLogger - Use other loggers for Mojo::Log
use Mojo::Log;
my $log = Mojo::Log->with_roles('+AttachLogger')->new->unsubscribe('message');
# Log::Any
use Log::Any::Adapter {category => 'Mojo::Log'}, 'Syslog';
$log->attach_logger('Log::Any', 'Some::Category');
# Log::Contextual
use Log::Contextual::WarnLogger;
use Log::Contextual -logger => Log::Contextual::WarnLogger->new({env_prefix => 'MYAPP'});
# Log::Dispatch
use Log::Dispatch;
my $logger = Log::Dispatch->new(outputs => ['File::Locked',
min_level => 'warning',
filename => '/path/to/file.log',
mode => 'append',
newline => 1,
callbacks => sub { my %p = @_; '[' . localtime() . '] ' . $p{message} },
# Log::Dispatchouli
use Log::Dispatchouli;
my $logger = Log::Dispatchouli->new({ident => 'MyApp', facility => 'daemon', to_file => 1});
# Log::Log4perl
use Log::Log4perl;
$log->attach_logger('Log::Log4perl', 'Some::Category');
Mojo::Log::Role::AttachLogger is a Role::Tiny role for Mojo::Log that redirects log messages to an external logging framework. "attach_logger" currently recognizes the strings Log::Any
, Log::Contextual
, Log::Log4perl
, and objects of the classes Log::Any::Proxy
, Log::Dispatch
, Log::Dispatchouli
, and Mojo::Log
The default "message" in Mojo::Log event handler is not suppressed by "attach_logger", so if you want to suppress the default behavior, you should unsubscribe from the message event first. Unsubscribing from the message event will also remove any loggers attached by "attach_logger".
Mojolicious::Plugin::Log::Any can be used to attach a logger to the Mojolicious application logger and suppress the default message event handler.
Mojo::Log::Role::AttachLogger composes the following methods.
$log = $log->attach_logger($logger, $category);
Subscribes to "message" in Mojo::Log and passes log messages to the given logging framework or object, with an optional category for Log::Any and Log::Log4perl (defaults to Mojo::Log
). The log level will be prepended to the message in square brackets (except when passing to another Mojo::Log object). The following loggers are recognized:
- Log::Any
The string
will use a global Log::Any logger with the specified category (defaults toMojo::Log
). - Log::Any::Proxy
A Log::Any::Proxy object can be passed directly and will be used for logging in the standard manner, using the object's existing category.
- Log::Contextual
The string
will use the global Log::Contextual logger. Package loggers are not supported. Note that "with_logger" in Log::Contextual may be difficult to use with Mojolicious logging due to the asynchronous nature of the dispatch cycle. - Log::Dispatch
A Log::Dispatch object can be passed to be used for logging. The
log level will be mapped tocritical
. - Log::Dispatchouli
A Log::Dispatchouli object can be passed to be used for logging. The
log level will log messages even if the object ismuted
, but an exception will not be thrown as "log_fatal" in Log::Dispatchouli normally does. - Log::Log4perl
The string
will use a global Log::Log4perl logger with the specified category (defaults toMojo::Log
). - Mojo::Log
Another Mojo::Log object can be passed to be used for logging.
Report any issues on the public bugtracker.
Dan Book <>
This software is Copyright (c) 2017 by Dan Book.
This is free software, licensed under:
The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)
Mojo::Log, Log::Any, Log::Contextual, Log::Dispatch, Log::Dispatchouli, Log::Log4perl