Perl::Critic::Policy::Freenode::Wantarray - Don't write context-sensitive functions using wantarray
Context-sensitive functions, while one way to write functions that DWIM (Do What I Mean), tend to instead lead to unexpected behavior when the function is accidentally used in a different context, especially if the function's behavior changes significantly based on context. This also can lead to vulnerabilities when a function is intended to be used as a scalar, but is used in a list, such as a hash constructor or function parameter list. Instead, functions should be explicitly documented to return either a scalar value or a list, so there is no potential for confusion or vulnerability.
return wantarray ? ('a','b','c') : 3; # not ok
return CORE::wantarray ? ('a', 'b', 'c') : 3; # not ok
return ('a','b','c'); # ok
return 3; # ok
sub get_stuff {
return wantarray ? @things : \@things;
my $stuff = Stuff->new(stuff => get_stuff()); # oops! function will return a list!
This policy is part of Perl::Critic::Freenode.
This policy is not configurable except for the standard options.
Dan Book,
Copyright 2015, Dan Book.
This library is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0.