use strict;
use Carp 'croak';
use Exporter 'import';
use Module::Runtime 'require_module';
use Role::Tiny ();
use Scalar::Util 'blessed';
use WWW::Form::UrlEncoded 'build_urlencoded_utf8', 'parse_urlencoded_arrayref';
our $VERSION = '1.002';
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(form_urlencode form_urldecode oauth_request);
sub form_urldecode {
my $string = shift;
return [] unless defined $string;
my $form = parse_urlencoded_arrayref $string;
utf8::decode $_ for @$form;
return $form;
sub form_urlencode {
my $form = shift;
if (ref $form eq 'ARRAY') {
croak 'Form to urlencode must be even-sized' if @$form % 2;
} elsif (ref $form eq 'HASH') {
$form = [map { ($_ => $form->{$_}) } sort keys %$form];
} else {
croak 'Form to urlencode must be hash or array reference';
return build_urlencoded_utf8 $form, '&';
sub oauth_request {
my $class = ref $_[0] ? undef : shift;
my $proto = shift;
my %args;
if (blessed $proto) { # Request object
return $proto if Role::Tiny::does_role($proto, 'WWW::OAuth::Request'); # already in container
unless (defined $class) {
if ($proto->isa('HTTP::Request')) {
$class = 'HTTP_Request';
} elsif ($proto->isa('Mojo::Message::Request')) {
$class = 'Mojo';
} else {
$class = blessed $proto;
$class =~ s/::/_/g;
%args = (request => $proto);
} elsif (ref $proto eq 'HASH') { # Hashref
$class = 'Basic' unless defined $class;
%args = %$proto;
} else {
croak 'No request or request parameters passed';
$class = "WWW::OAuth::Request::$class" unless $class =~ /::/;
require_module $class;
croak "Class $class does not perform the role WWW::OAuth::Request"
unless Role::Tiny::does_role($class, 'WWW::OAuth::Request');
return $class->new(%args);
=head1 NAME
WWW::OAuth::Util - Utility functions for WWW::OAuth
use WWW::OAuth::Util 'form_urldecode', 'form_urlencode';
my $body_string = form_urlencode({foo => 'a b c', bar => [1, 2, 3]});
# bar=1&bar=2&bar=3&foo=a+b+c
my $ordered_pairs = form_urldecode($body_string);
# ['bar', '1', 'bar', '2', 'bar', '3', 'foo', 'a b c']
use WWW::OAuth::Util 'oauth_request';
my $container = oauth_request($http_request);
L<WWW::OAuth::Util> contains utility functions for use with L<WWW::OAuth>. All
functions are exportable on demand.
=head2 form_urldecode
my $param_pairs = form_urldecode($body_string);
Decodes an C<application/x-www-form-urlencoded> string and returns an
even-sized arrayref of key-value pairs. Order is preserved and repeated keys
are not combined.
=head2 form_urlencode
my $body_string = form_urlencode([foo => 2, bar => 'baz', foo => 1]);
# foo=2&bar=baz&foo=1
my $body_string = form_urlencode({foo => [2, 1], bar => 'baz'});
# bar=baz&foo=2&foo=1
Converts a hash or array reference into an C<application/x-www-form-urlencoded>
string suitable for a query string or request body. If a value is an array
reference, the key is repeated with each value. Order is preserved if
parameters are passed in an array reference; the parameters are sorted by key
for consistency if passed in a hash reference.
=head2 oauth_request
my $container = oauth_request($http_request);
my $container = oauth_request({ method => 'GET', url => $url });
my $container = oauth_request(Basic => { method => 'POST', url => $url, content => $content });
Constructs an HTTP request container performing the L<WWW::OAuth::Request>
role. The input should be a recognized request object or hashref of arguments
optionally preceded by a container class name. The class name is appended to
C<WWW::OAuth::Request::> if it does not contain C<::>. Currently,
L<HTTP::Request> and L<Mojo::Message::Request> objects are recognized, and
hashrefs are used to construct a L<WWW::OAuth::Request::Basic> object if no
container class is specified.
# Longer forms to construct WWW::OAuth::Request::HTTP_Request
my $container = oauth_request(HTTP_Request => $http_request);
my $container = oauth_request(HTTP_Request => { request => $http_request });
=head1 BUGS
Report any issues on the public bugtracker.
=head1 AUTHOR
Dan Book <>
This software is Copyright (c) 2015 by Dan Book.
This is free software, licensed under:
The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<URI>, L<URL Living Standard|>