# Business::Shipping::Shipment::USPS
# $Id: USPS.pm,v 1.7 2004/01/21 22:39:54 db-ship Exp $
# Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Kavod Technologies, Dan Browning. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the GNU Public Licnese (GPL). See COPYING for more info.
Shipping::Shipment::USPS is not very unique, just a few modifications to to_zip
and to_country.
=head1 TODO
Move the country translator data into configuration.
=over 4 METHODS
$VERSION = do { my @r=(q$Revision: 1.7 $=~/\d+/g); sprintf "%d."."%03d"x$#r,@r };
use strict;
use base ( 'Business::Shipping::Shipment' );
new_with_init => 'new',
new_hash_init => 'hash_init';
use constant INSTANCE_DEFAULTS => (
shipper => 'USPS',
from_country => 'US',
sub init
my $self = shift;
my %values = ( INSTANCE_DEFAULTS, @_ );
$self->hash_init( %values );
sub from_country { return 'US'; }
=item * to_zip( $to_zip )
Overrides Shipping::Shipment::to_zip() to throw away the "four" from zip+four.
sub to_zip
my $self = shift;
if ( $_[ 0 ] ) {
my $to_zip = shift;
# Need to throw away the "plus four" of zip+four.
$to_zip =~ /{\d,5}/ if $to_zip;
$self->{ 'to_zip' } = $to_zip;
return $self->{ 'to_zip' };
=item * to_country( $to_country )
Uses the name translaters of Shipping::Shipment::to_country(), then applies its
own translations. The former may not be necessary, but the latter is.
sub to_country
trace '( ' . uneval( \@_ ) . ' )';
my ( $self, $to_country ) = @_;
if ( defined $to_country ) {
# Apply any Shipping::Shipment conversions, then apply our own.
$to_country = $self->SUPER::to_country( $to_country );
my $countries = $self->config_to_hash(
cfg()->{ usps_information }->{ usps_country_name_translations }
$to_country = $countries->{ $to_country } || $to_country;
debug3( "setting to_country to \'$to_country\'" );
$self->{ to_country } = $to_country;
debug3( "SUPER::to_country now is " . ( $self->SUPER::to_country() || '' ) );
return $self->{ to_country };