=head1 NAME
=head1 VERSION
$Rev: 164 $ $Date: 2004-09-13 17:12:54 -0700 (Mon, 13 Sep 2004) $
=head1 METHODS
=over 4
$VERSION = do { my $r = q$Rev: 164 $; $r =~ /\d+/; $&; };
use strict;
use vars qw( $VERSION );
use base ( 'Business::Shipping::Package' );
=item * container
Default 'None'.
=item * size
Default 'Regular'.
=item * machinable
Default 'False'.
=item * mail_type
Default 'Package'.
=item * pounds
=item * ounces
new => [ { -hash => 1, -init => 'this_init' }, 'new' ],
scalar => [ { -default => 'None' }, 'container' ],
scalar => [ { -default => 'Regular' }, 'size' ],
scalar => [ { -default => 'False' }, 'machinable' ],
scalar => [ { -default => 'Package' }, 'mail_type' ],
scalar => [ { -default => '0.00' }, 'ounces' ],
scalar => [ { -default => '0.00' }, 'pounds' ],
scalar => [
-static => 1,
-default => 'container, size, machinable, mail_type, pounds, '
. 'ounces'
# Note that we use 'weight' as the unique value (specified in Parent),
# which should convert automatically from pounds/ounces during uniqueness
# calculations.
scalar => [
-static => 1,
-default => 'container, size, machinable, mail_type'
sub this_init { $_[ 0 ]->shipper( 'USPS' ); }
=item * Required()
We use a hand-written "Required()" method for this class, because we require one
of the following: pounds, ounces, or weight. It doesn't matter which one it is,
but if none of them are defined, then we pick 'weight' to Require.
sub Required
my ( $self ) = @_;
for ( qw( weight pounds ounces ) ) {
if ( $self->$_ ) {
return '';
return 'weight';
=item * weight
Overrides the standard weight definition so that it can correctly set pounds &
sub weight
my ( $self, $in_weight ) = @_;
trace( '(' . uneval( \@_ ) . ')' );
if ( $in_weight ) {
if ( $in_weight < 1.00 ) {
# Minimum one pound for USPS.
$in_weight = 1.00;
$self->set_lbs_oz( $in_weight );
# Convert back to 'weight' (i.e. one number) when returning.
my $out_weight = $self->lbs_oz_to_weight;
return $out_weight;
=item * set_lbs_oz
Set pounds and ounces. Converts from fractional pounds.
sub set_lbs_oz
my ( $self, $in_weight ) = @_;
my $pounds = 0;
my $ounces = 0;
$pounds = $self->_round_up( $in_weight );
my $remainder = $pounds - $in_weight;
# For some weights (e.g. 2.4), this is necessary.
$remainder = -$remainder if $remainder < 0;
if ( $remainder ) {
$ounces = $remainder * 16;
$ounces = sprintf( "%1.0f", $ounces );
$self->pounds( $pounds );
$self->ounces( $ounces );
=item * lbs_oz_to_weight
Converts pounds + ounces to fractional weight. Returns weight.
sub lbs_oz_to_weight
my ( $self ) = @_;
trace '()';
my $pounds = $self->pounds || 0;
my $ounces = $self->ounces || 0;
my $fractional_pounds = $ounces ? sprintf( "%1.0f", $ounces / 16 ) : 0;
my $weight = ( $pounds + $fractional_pounds );
return $weight;
=item * _round_up
sub _round_up
my ( $self, $f ) = @_;
return undef unless defined $f;
return sprintf( "%1.0f", $f );
=head1 AUTHOR
Dan Browning E<lt>F<db@kavod.com>E<gt>, Kavod Technologies, L<http://www.kavod.com>.
Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Kavod Technologies, Dan Browning. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself. See LICENSE for more info.