Business::Shipping - Rates and tracking for UPS and USPS


Version 1.55


Rate request example

my $rate_request = Business::Shipping->rate_request(
shipper => 'UPS_Offline',
service => 'GNDRES',
from_zip => '98682',
to_zip => '98270',
weight => 5.00,
$rate_request->go() or die $rate_request->user_error();
print $rate_request->total_charges();


Business::Shipping currently supports three shippers:

UPS_Online: United Parcel Service

  • Shipment rate estimation using UPS Online WebTools.

  • Shipment tracking.

  • Rate Shopping.

    Gets rates for all the services in one request:

    my $rr_shop = Business::Shipping->rate_request(
    service => 'shop',
    shipper => 'UPS_Online',
    from_zip => '98682',
    to_zip => '98270',
    weight => 5.00,
    user_id => $ENV{ UPS_USER_ID },
    password => $ENV{ UPS_PASSWORD },
    access_key => $ENV{ UPS_ACCESS_KEY }
    $rr_shop->go() or die $rr_shop->user_error();
    foreach my $shipper ( @$results ) {
    print "Shipper: $shipper->{name}\n\n";
    foreach my $rate ( @{ $shipper->{ rates } } ) {
    print " Service: $rate->{name}\n";
    print " Charges: $rate->{charges_formatted}\n";
    print " Delivery: $rate->{deliv_date_formatted}\n"
    if $rate->{ deliv_date_formatted };
    print "\n";
  • C.O.D. (Cash On Delivery)

    #DeliveryConfirmation and COD cannot coexist on a single Pakcage (DeliveryConfirmation is not yet implemented in Business::Shiping). #cod_code: The code associated with the type of COD. Values: 1 = Regular COD, 2 = Express COD, 3 = Tagless COD

    Add these options to your rate request for C.O.D.:

    cod: enable C.O.D.

    cod_funds_code: The code that indicates the type of funds that will be used for the COD payment. Required if CODCode is 1, 2, or 3. Valid Values: 0 = All Funds Allowed. 8 = cashier's check or money order, no cash allowed.

    cod_value: The COD value for the package. Required if COD option is present. Valid values: 0.01 - 50000.00

    For example:

    cod => 1,
    cod_value => 400.00,
    cod_funds_code => 0,

UPS_Offline: United Parcel Service

  • Shipment rate estimation using offline tables.

USPS_Online: United States Postal Service

  • Shipment rate estimation using USPS Online WebTools.

  • Shipment tracking.


perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::Business::Shipping'

See the INSTALL file for more details.


Some of these modules are not required to use only one shipper. See the INSTALL file for more information.

Bundle::DBD::CSV (any)
Business::Shipping::DataFiles (any)
Cache::FileCache (any)
Class::MethodMaker::Engine (any)
Clone (any)
Config::IniFiles (any)
Crypt::SSLeay (any)
Log::Log4perl (any)
LWP::UserAgent (any)
Math::BaseCnv (any)
Scalar::Util (any)
XML::DOM (any)
XML::Simple (2.05)


Be careful to read, understand, and comply with the terms of use for the provider that you will use.

UPS_Offline: For United Parcel Service (UPS) offline rate requests

No signup required. Business::Shipping::DataFiles has all of rate tables, which are usually updated only once per year.

We recommend that you run the following program to update your fuel surcharge every first monday of the month.

UPS_Online: For United Parcel Service (UPS) Online XML: Free signup

USPS_Online: For United States Postal Service (USPS): Free signup


  • (More info at

  • The online signup will result in a testing-only account (only a small sample of queries will work).

  • To activate the "production" use of your USPS account, you must follow the USPS documentation. As of Sept 16 2004, that means contacting the USPS Internet Customer Care Center by e-mail ( or phone: 1-800-344-7779.


Log4perl is used for logging error, debug, etc. messages. See config/log4perl.conf. For simple manipulation of the current log level, use the Business::Shipping->log_level( $log_level ) class method (below).

Preloading Modules

To preload all modules, call Business::Shipping with this syntax:

use Business::Shipping { preload => 'All' };

To preload the modules for just one shipper:

use Business::Shipping { preload => 'USPS_Online' };

Without preloading, some modules will be loaded at runtime. Normally, runtime loading is the best mode of operation. However, there are some circumstances when preloading is advantagous. For example:

  • For mod_perl, to load the modules only once at startup instead of at startup and then additional modules later on. (Thanks to Chris Ochs <> for contributing to this information).

  • For compatibilty with some security modules (e.g. Safe).

  • To move the delay that would normally occur with the first request into startup time. That way, it takes longer to start up, but the first user will not experience any delay.



Generic attribute setter.


Log and store errors that should be visibile to the user.


Confirms that the object is valid. Checks that required attributes are set.


This method is used to request shipping rate information from online providers or offline tables. A hash is accepted as input. The acceptable values are determined by the shipper class, but the following are common to all:

  • shipper

    The name of the shipper to use. Must correspond to a module by the name of: Business::Shipping::SHIPPER. For example, UPS_Online.

  • service

    A valid service name for the provider. See the corresponding module documentation for a list of services compatible with the shipper.

  • from_zip

    The origin zipcode.

  • from_state

    The origin state in two-letter code format or full-name format. Required for UPS_Offline.

  • to_zip

    The destination zipcode.

  • to_country

    The destination country. Required for international shipments only.

  • weight

    Weight of the shipment, in pounds, as a decimal number.

There are some additional common values:

  • user_id

    A user_id, if required by the provider. USPS_Online and UPS_Online require this, while UPS_Offline does not.

  • password

    A password, if required by the provider. USPS_Online and UPS_Online require this, while UPS_Offline does not.


Sets the log level for all Business::Shipping objects.

Takes a scalar that can be 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error', or 'fatal'.


Private Method.

Generates an object of a given subclass dynamically. Will dynamically 'use' the corresponding module, unless runtime module loading has been disabled via the 'preload' option.


For backwards compatibility only.


Important modules that are related to Business::Shipping:

  • Business::Shipping::DataFiles - Required for offline cost estimation

  • Business::Shipping::DataTools - Tools that generating DataFiles (optional)

Other CPAN modules that are simliar to Business::Shipping:

  • Business::Shipping::UPS_XML - Online cost estimation module that has very few prerequisites. Supports shipments that originate in USA and Canada.

  • Business::UPS - Online cost estimation module that uses the UPS web form instead of the UPS Online Tools. For shipments that originate in the USA only.

Use of this software

It is appreciated when users mention their use of Business::Shipping to the author and/or on their website or in their application.


The website carries the most recent version.


This module is supported by the author. Please report any bugs or feature requests to, or through the web interface at The author will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as the author makes changes.


See the TODO file for a comprehensive list of known bugs.


See the CREDITS file.


Dan Browning <>, Kavod Technologies,


Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Kavod Technologies, Dan Browning. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See LICENSE for more info.