=head1 NAME
=head2 Domestic
=head2 International
Global Express Guaranteed
Global Express Guaranteed Non-Document Rectangular
Global Express Guaranteed Non-Document Non-Rectangular
USPS GXG Envelopes
Express Mail International
Express Mail International Flat Rate Envelope
Express Mail International Legal Flat Rate Envelope
Priority Mail International
Priority Mail International Large Flat Rate Box
Priority Mail International Medium Flat Rate Box
Priority Mail International Small Flat Rate Box
Priority Mail International DVD Flat Rate Box
Priority Mail International Large Video Flat Rate Box
Priority Mail International Flat Rate Envelope
Priority Mail International Legal Flat Rate Envelope
Priority Mail International Padded Flat Rate Envelope
Priority Mail International Gift Card Flat Rate Envelope
Priority Mail International Small Flat Rate Envelope
Priority Mail International Window Flat Rate Envelope
First-Class Mail International Package
First-Class Mail International Large Envelope
=head1 METHODS
use Carp;
use XML::Simple 2.05;
use version; our $VERSION = qv('400');
=head2 domestic
=head2 to_zip
Note that some methods are handled by the parent class:
to_zip, from_zip, to_city, from_city, to_country, from_country.
has 'domestic' => (is => 'rw', default => 1);
has 'prod_url' => (
is => 'rw',
has 'test_url' => (
is => 'rw',
has 'shipment' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Business::Shipping::USPS_Online::Shipment',
default => sub { Business::Shipping::USPS_Online::Shipment->new() },
handles => [
'ounces', 'pounds', 'weight', 'container',
'size', 'machinable', 'mail_type', 'shipper',
'width', 'length', 'height', 'girth',
=head2 Required()
International USPS does not require the service or from_zip parameters, but
domestic does.
We use a hand-written "Required()" method for this class, because we require one
of the following: pounds, ounces, or weight. It doesn't matter which one it is,
but if none of them are defined, then we pick 'weight' to Require.
sub Required {
my ($self) = @_;
my @required;
if ($self->domestic) {
@required = qw/ service from_zip /;
else {
@required = ();
my $need_weight = 1;
for (qw/ weight pounds ounces /) {
if ($self->$_) {
$need_weight = 0;
push @required, 'weight' if $need_weight;
return ($self->SUPER::Required, @required);
sub Optional {
return ($_[0]->SUPER::Optional,
qw/ container size machinable mail_type pounds ounces /);
# Note that we use 'weight' as the unique value (specified in Parent),
# which should convert automatically from pounds/ounces during uniqueness
# calculations.
sub Unique {
return ($_[0]->SUPER::Unique, qw/ container size machinable mail_type /);
=head2 _gen_request_xml
Generate the XML document.
sub _gen_request_xml {
trace '()';
my $self = shift;
# Note: The XML::Simple hash-tree-based generation method wont work with USPS,
# because they enforce the order of their parameters (unlike UPS).
my $rateReqDoc = XML::DOM::Document->new();
my $rateReqEl = $rateReqDoc->createElement(
$self->domestic() ? 'RateV3Request' : 'IntlRateRequest');
# Note that these are required even for test mode transactions.
$rateReqEl->setAttribute('USERID', $self->user_id());
$rateReqEl->setAttribute('PASSWORD', $self->password());
my $package_count = 0;
logdie "No packages defined internally."
unless ref $self->shipment->packages();
foreach my $package (@{ $self->shipment->packages() }) {
my $id;
$id = $package->id();
$id = $package_count++ unless $id;
my $packageEl = $rateReqDoc->createElement('Package');
$packageEl->setAttribute('ID', $id);
if ($self->domestic()) {
my $serviceEl = $rateReqDoc->createElement('Service');
my $serviceText
= $rateReqDoc->createTextNode($self->shipment->service());
my $zipOrigEl = $rateReqDoc->createElement('ZipOrigination');
my $zipOrigText
= $rateReqDoc->createTextNode($self->shipment->from_zip());
my $zipDestEl = $rateReqDoc->createElement('ZipDestination');
my $zipDestText
= $rateReqDoc->createTextNode($self->shipment->to_zip());
my $poundsEl = $rateReqDoc->createElement('Pounds');
my $poundsText = $rateReqDoc->createTextNode($package->pounds());
my $ouncesEl = $rateReqDoc->createElement('Ounces');
my $ouncesText = $rateReqDoc->createTextNode($package->ounces());
if ($self->domestic()) {
if (defined($package->container())) {
my $containerEl = $rateReqDoc->createElement('Container');
my $containerText
= $rateReqDoc->createTextNode($package->container());
my $oversizeEl = $rateReqDoc->createElement('Size');
my $oversizeText = $rateReqDoc->createTextNode($package->size());
my $widthEl = $rateReqDoc->createElement('Width');
my $widthText = $rateReqDoc->createTextNode($package->width());
my $lengthEl = $rateReqDoc->createElement('Length');
my $lengthText = $rateReqDoc->createTextNode($package->length());
my $heightEl = $rateReqDoc->createElement('Height');
my $heightText = $rateReqDoc->createTextNode($package->height());
my $girthEl = $rateReqDoc->createElement('Girth');
my $girthText = $rateReqDoc->createTextNode($package->girth());
if ($self->service() =~ /all/i
and not defined $package->machinable())
if (defined($package->machinable())) {
my $machineEl = $rateReqDoc->createElement('Machinable');
my $machineText
= $rateReqDoc->createTextNode($package->machinable());
else {
my $mailTypeEl = $rateReqDoc->createElement('MailType');
my $mailTypeText
= $rateReqDoc->createTextNode($package->mail_type());
my $countryEl = $rateReqDoc->createElement('Country');
my $countryText
= $rateReqDoc->createTextNode($self->shipment->to_country());
} #/foreach package
my $request_xml = $rateReqDoc->toString();
# We only do this to provide a pretty, formatted XML doc for the debug.
my $request_xml_tree
= XML::Simple::XMLin($request_xml, KeepRoot => 1, ForceArray => 1);
# Large debug
trace(XML::Simple::XMLout($request_xml_tree, KeepRoot => 1));
return ($request_xml);
=head2 _gen_request
sub _gen_request {
my ($self) = shift;
my $request = $self->SUPER::_gen_request();
# This is how USPS slightly varies from Business::Shipping
my $new_content
= 'API='
. ($self->domestic() ? 'RateV3' : 'IntlRate') . '&XML='
. $request->content();
$request->header('content-length' => CORE::length($request->content()));
# Large debug
trace('HTTP Request: ' . $request->as_string());
return ($request);
=head2 _massage_values
sub _massage_values {
my $self = shift;
=head2 _handle_response
=head2 error_details()
See L<Business::Shipping::RateRequest> for full documentation.
Adds the following keys to each error:
package_id : The unique package id in which the error occurred
error_source : The component that generated the error
sub _handle_response {
trace '()';
my $self = shift;
### Keep the root element, because USPS might
### return an error and 'Error' will be the root element
my $response_tree = XML::Simple::XMLin(
ForceArray => 0,
KeepRoot => 1
### Discard the root element if it is RateV3Response
$response_tree = $response_tree->{RateV2Response}
if (exists($response_tree->{RateV2Response}));
$response_tree = $response_tree->{RateV3Response}
if (exists($response_tree->{RateV3Response}));
### Discard the root element if it is IntlRateResponse
$response_tree = $response_tree->{IntlRateResponse}
if (exists($response_tree->{IntlRateResponse}));
#use Data::Dumper; trace(Dumper($response_tree));
# Handle errors
### Get all errors
my $errors = [];
push(@$errors, $response_tree->{Error})
if (exists($response_tree->{Error}));
if (ref $response_tree->{Package} eq 'HASH') {
if (exists($response_tree->{Package}{Error})) {
push(@$errors, $response_tree->{Package}{Error});
$errors->[$#{$errors}]{PackageID} = $response_tree->{Package}{ID};
elsif (ref $response_tree->{Package} eq 'ARRAY') {
foreach my $pkg (@{ $response_tree->{Package} }) {
if (exists($pkg->{Error})) {
push(@$errors, $pkg->{Error});
$errors->[$#{$errors}]{PackageID} = $pkg->{ID};
if (@$errors > 0) {
### Loop through the errors, gathering the details and
### create a simple error message string
my (@errorDetails, $errorMsg);
foreach my $errorHash (@$errors) {
### Get some of the error details
my $code = $errorHash->{Number};
my $error = $errorHash->{Description};
my $source = $errorHash->{Source};
my $pkg_src = $errorHash->{PackageID};
{ error_code => $code,
error_msg => $error,
package_id => $pkg_src,
error_source => $source
if (!defined($errorMsg) && $error) {
$errorMsg = "$source: $error ($code)";
} # foreach error
return $self->is_success(0);
} # if errors
# This is a "large" debug.
trace('response = ' . $self->response->content);
my $charges;
my @services_results = ();
# TODO: Get the pricing routines to work for multi-packages (not just
# the default_package()
# Domestic *does* tell you the price of all services if you ask for
# service "ALL". If you ask for a specific service, it still might send
# more then one price. For example, if you ask for "Flat Rate Box"
# service, it will send you two prices, one for
# 'Priority Mail Flat Rate Box (11.25" x 8.75" x 6")' and the other for
# 'Priority Mail Flat Rate Box (14" x 12" x 3.5")'
if ($self->domestic()) {
if (ref($response_tree->{Package}) eq 'ARRAY') {
$self->user_error("Sorry, multiple packages not supported yet.");
return $self->is_success(0);
$charges = $response_tree->{Package}->{Postage};
#info('response_tree = ' . Dumper($response_tree));
if (defined($charges)) {
$charges = [$charges] if (ref $charges ne 'ARRAY');
foreach my $chg (@$charges) {
next if (ref $chg ne 'HASH');
my $service_hash = {
code => undef,
nick => service_to_nick($chg->{MailService}),
name => $chg->{MailService},
deliv_days => undef,
deliv_date => undef,
charges => $chg->{Rate},
charges_formatted =>
Business::Shipping::Util::currency({}, $chg->{Rate}),
deliv_date_formatted => undef,
push(@services_results, $service_hash);
# International with service 'all'
elsif (defined($self->service()) && lc($self->service()) eq 'all') {
# International *does* tell you the price of all services for each package
# If caller asked for All services, then lets give them All services. Will
# pass back service name as-is. Let caller try to distinguish it.
# Set charges to returned services, since charges needs to be set to
# something.
$charges = $response_tree->{Package}->{Service};
if (defined($charges)) {
$charges = [$charges] if (ref $charges ne 'ARRAY');
foreach my $service (@$charges) {
my $service_hash = {
code => undef,
nick => service_to_nick($service->{SvcDescription}),
name => $service->{SvcDescription},
deliv_days => undef,
deliv_date => undef,
charges => $service->{Postage},
charges_formatted => Business::Shipping::Util::currency(
{}, $service->{Postage},
deliv_date_formatted => undef,
push(@services_results, $service_hash);
} # foreach service
} # if services defined
# International with one specific service. International *does* tell you
# the price of all services for each package
else {
my $desired_service = $self->service();
# Handle difference between "Flat-Rate" and "Flat Rate" automatically.
$desired_service =~ s/Flat[-_]Rate/Flat Rate/i;
my $service_description;
if (is_trace()) {
trace('Service part of response tree: '
. Dumper($response_tree->{Package}->{Service}));
info("Requested service is '$desired_service'");
foreach my $service (@{ $response_tree->{Package}->{Service} }) {
my $remove_reg = quotemeta('&lt;sup&gt;&amp;reg;&lt;/sup&gt;');
my $remove_tm = quotemeta('&lt;sup&gt;&amp;trade;&lt;/sup&gt;');
my $compare_service = $service->{SvcDescription};
$compare_service =~ s/\*//g;
$compare_service =~ s/$remove_reg//gi;
$compare_service =~ s/$remove_tm//gi;
my $postage_formatted
= Business::Shipping::Util::currency({}, $service->{Postage});
debug( "Checking for matching service in description:\n"
. $compare_service
. " ($postage_formatted)");
if ($desired_service
and lc $compare_service eq lc $desired_service)
info( "Found match: $compare_service "
. "($postage_formatted)");
$charges = $service->{'Postage'};
$service_description = $compare_service;
# Still can't find the right service...
if (not defined $charges) {
my $error_msg
= "The requested service ("
. ($self->service() || 'none entered by user')
. ") did not match any services that were available for that country.";
my $service_hash = {
code => undef,
nick => service_to_nick($service_description),
name => undef,
deliv_days => undef,
deliv_date => undef,
charges => $charges,
charges_formatted =>
Business::Shipping::Util::currency({}, $charges),
deliv_date_formatted => undef,
push(@services_results, $service_hash);
if (!$charges) {
$self->user_error('charges are 0, error out');
return $self->is_success(0);
info('Setting charges to: ' . $charges);
my $results = [
{ name => $self->shipper() || 'USPS_Online',
rates => \@services_results,
trace 'returning success';
return $self->is_success(1);
sub service_to_nick {
my ($service_description) = @_;
return $service_description unless $service_description;
my %services_codes = (
'Express Mail' => 'EXPRESS',
'Priority Mail' => 'PRIORITY',
'Express Mail International (EMS)' => 'EXPRESS',
'Priority Mail International' => 'PRIORITY',
return $services_codes{$service_description} || $service_description;
=head2 _domestic_or_intl
Decide if we are domestic or international for this run.
sub _domestic_or_intl {
my $self = shift;
trace '()';
#info('to_country = ' . $self->shipment->to_country());
if ( $self->shipment->to_country()
and $self->shipment->to_country() !~ /(US)|(United States)/)
else {
info($self->domestic() ? 'Domestic' : 'International');
=head2 to_residential()
For compatibility with UPS modules. Always returns 0.
sub to_residential { return 0; }
=head1 AUTHOR
Daniel Browning, db@kavod.com, L<http://www.kavod.com/>
Copyright 2003-2011 Daniel Browning <db@kavod.com>. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself. See LICENSE for more info.