use strict;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(have_rpm build_rpm);
use lib '../MegaDistro';
use MegaDistro::Config qw(:default $DEVNULL);
use MegaDistro::RpmMaker::Config qw(:default :build);
use MegaDistro::RpmMaker::SpecFile qw(make_specfile);
sub have_rpm {
`rpmbuild --help > /dev/null 2>&1`;
if ( $? == 0 ) {
return 1;
else {
return 0;
sub make_macrosfile {
open( MACROSFILE, ">$buildtree{'macrosfile'}" ) || die "Cannot open file: $!";
print MACROSFILE '%_topdir' . "\t" . $buildtree{'prefixdir'} . "\n";
print MACROSFILE '%_sourcedir' . "\t" . '%{_topdir}/SOURCES' . "\n";
print MACROSFILE '%_specdir' . "\t" . '%{_topdir}/SPECS' . "\n";
print MACROSFILE '%_tmppath' . "\t" . '%{_topdir}/.tmp' . "\n";
print MACROSFILE '%_builddir' . "\t" . '%{_topdir}/BUILD' . "\n";
print MACROSFILE '%_buildroot' . "\t" . '%{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}' . "\n";
print MACROSFILE '%_rpmdir' . "\t" . '%{_topdir}/RPMS' . "\n";
print MACROSFILE '%_srpmdir' . "\t" . '%{_topdir}/SRPMS' . "\n";
print MACROSFILE '%_rpmfilename' . "\t" . '%%{NAME}-%%{VERSION}-%%{RELEASE}.%%{ARCH}.rpm' . "\n";
print MACROSFILE '%_enable_debug_packages' . "\t" . '0' . "\n";
print MACROSFILE '%debug_package' . "\t" . '%{nil}' . "\n";
print MACROSFILE '%_unpackaged_files_terminate_build' . "\t" . '0' . "\n";
close( MACROSFILE );
sub make_rcfile {
my $macrofiles = `rpm --showrc | grep 'macrofiles'`; chomp $macrofiles;
open( RCFILE, ">$buildtree{'rcfile'}" ) || die "Cannot open file: $!";
# print RCFILE 'include:' . "\t\t" . '/usr/lib/rpm/rpmrc' . "\n";
print RCFILE $macrofiles . ':' . $buildtree{'macrosfile'} . "\n";
close( RCFILE );
sub tarball_rpm {
if ( $args{'trace'} ) {
print 'MegaDistro::RpmMaker::Build : Executing sub-routine: tarball_rpm' . "\n";
#create src tarball
my $TARBALL = $metadata{'name'} . '-' . $metadata{'version'} . '.tar.gz';
system( "cd $Conf{'builddir'}; tar zcvf $buildtree{'SOURCES'}/$TARBALL * > $DEVNULL; cd $Conf{'rootdir'}" ); #safety
# #check for tarball and copy to SOURCES directory
# if ( -s "$Conf{'rootdir'}/$TARBALL" ) {
# system( "cp $Conf{'rootdir'}/$TARBALL $buildtree{'SOURCES'}/$TARBALL" );
# if ( $args{'debug'} ) {
# print "\t" . 'Tarball successfully created - name is: ' . $TARBALL . "\n";
# }
# }
# else {
# die 'Error copying tarball!' . "\n";
# }
sub build_rpm {
&build_pre; #initialize the build directory tree
if ( $args{'trace'} ) {
print 'MegaDistro::RpmMaker::Build : Executing sub-routine: build_rpm' . "\n";
my $addopts;
if ( $args{'verbose'} ) {
$addopts = '-v';
else {
$addopts = '--quiet';
#check for specfile, and package.
if ( -e "$buildtree{'specfile'}" ) {
if ( !$args{'verbose'} ) {
system( "rpmbuild --rcfile $buildtree{'rcfile'} -bb $addopts $buildtree{'specfile'} > $DEVNULL" );
else {
system( "rpmbuild --rcfile $buildtree{'rcfile'} -bb $addopts $buildtree{'specfile'}" );
else {
die 'SPEC file not found!' . "\n";
my $RPM = $metadata{'name'} . '-' . $metadata{'version'} . '-' . $metadata{'release'} . '.' . $metadata{'buildarch'} . '.rpm';
#copy the package, to $Conf{'rootdir'}
if ( -e "$buildtree{'RPMS'}/$RPM" ) {
system( "cp $buildtree{'RPMS'}/$RPM $Conf{'rootdir'}/$RPM" );
if ( $args{'debug'} ) {
print "\t" . 'RPM successfully created - name is: ' . $RPM . "\n"; #make this return?
#(output from caller)
else {
die 'Error copying RPM!' . "\n";