use strict;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(%args %Conf);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(pre push_libs build_clean help $DEVNULL);
$EXPORT_TAGS{'default'} = \@EXPORT;
use File::Spec::Functions qw(:ALL);
# Hash containing the various directories to be used by the system
our %Conf;
# Hash containing the various command-line arguements, passed to the program,
our %args;
sub init_config {
my %overrides = @_;
%Conf = %overrides;
$Conf{'homedir'} ||= $ENV{HOME};
$Conf{'rootdir'} ||= catdir($Conf{'homedir'}, '.megadistro');
$Conf{'fetchdir'} ||= catdir($Conf{'rootdir'}, 'Fetch');
$Conf{'extractdir'} ||= catdir($Conf{'rootdir'}, 'Extract');
$Conf{'builddir'} ||= catdir($Conf{'rootdir'}, 'Build');
# do not change!
# (used to adjust path, when makemakerflags
# uses PREFIX instead of DESTDIR).
$Conf{'prefixdir'} ||= catdir($Conf{'builddir'}, 'usr');
# Configurable Files used in building the package
$Conf{'modlist'} ||= catfile($Conf{'rootdir'}, "modules.list");
# Make everything absolute in case we chdir.
for my $key (grep !/^disttype$/, keys %Conf) {
$Conf{$key} = rel2abs($Conf{$key});
if ( $Conf{disttype} && $Conf{disttype} !~ /^(rpm|deb)/i ) {
die "Invalid package type! - Valid types are: rpm , deb" . "\n";
# HACK: Let the other config modules see our changes.
for my $key (keys %Conf) {
print "$key: $Conf{$key}\n" if $args{debug};
# Other random configurables
# /dev/null
our $DEVNULL = '/dev/null 2>&1';
# Preparation
sub pre {
if ( $args{'trace'} ) {
print 'MegaDistro::Config : Executing sub-routine: pre' . "\n";
if ( ! -d "$Conf{'fetchdir'}" ) {
if ( $args{'debug'} ) {
print "\t" . 'Fetch directory: ' . $Conf{'fetchdir'} . ' does not exist, creating it' . "\n";
mkpath $Conf{'fetchdir'};
if ( ! -d "$Conf{'extractdir'}" ) {
if ( $args{'debug'} ) {
print "\t" . 'Extract directory: ' . $Conf{'extractdir'} . ' does not exist, creating it' . "\n";
mkpath $Conf{'extractdir'};
if ( ! -d "$Conf{'builddir'}" ) {
if ( $args{'debug'} ) {
print "\t" . 'Build directory: ' . $Conf{'builddir'} . ' does not exist, creating it' . "\n";
mkpath $Conf{'builddir'};
use Config;
sub prop_libs {
my @add_libs;
push @add_libs, catdir($Conf{'builddir'}, $Config{'installarchlib'});
push @add_libs, catdir($Conf{'builddir'}, $Config{'installvendorarch'});
push @add_libs, catdir($Conf{'builddir'}, $Config{'installvendorlib'});
return @add_libs;
sub push_libs {
my @add_libs = &prop_libs;
for (@add_libs) { #optional reverse.
unshift @INC, $_;
sub build_tree {
my @build_libs = &prop_libs;
for (@build_libs) {
mkpath $_ if ! -d "$_";
sub build_clean {
rmtree "$Conf{'builddir'}/*";
sub help { #perhaps replace with <<
print "\n";
print "Usage: Configure [OPTION]... [--disttype=TYPE]" . "\n";
print " or: Configure [-q] [-dxv] [-t TYPE]" . "\n";
print " or: Configure [-h]" . "\n";
print "Run the Configure system, and specify package type." . "\n";
print "\n";
print "The following arguements are all optional," . "\n";
print " however you should always specify the package type." . "\n";
print "\n";
print " -h, --help displays this help information" . "\n";
print " -t TYPE, --disttype=TYPE package type to build - " . "\n";
print " valid types are 'deb' and 'rpm'" . "\n";
print " -v, --verbose verbose output" . "\n";
print " (not recommended)" . "\n";
print " -d, --debug debbuging output" . "\n";
print " (for development only)" . "\n";
print " -q, --quiet only display status information" . "\n";
print " (obsolete)" . "\n";
print " -x, --trace trace the program execution" . "\n";
print " (for development only)" . "\n";
print " --clean completely removes everything" . "\n";
print " from BUILDDIR" . "\n";
print " --force forces the install of all modules" . "\n";
print " (use carefully!)" . "\n";
print " --build-only skips the packaging phase," . "\n";
print " builds snapshot of build-tree" . "\n";
print " --modlist=FILE set the module list to use" . "\n";
print " --fetchdir=DIR set directory to download modules" . "\n";
print " --extractdir=DIR set directory to extract modules" . "\n";
print " --builddir=DIR set directory for built modules" . "\n";
print "\n";