use strict;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(%buildtree);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw( %metadata %section build_pre );
$EXPORT_TAGS{'default'} = \@EXPORT;
$EXPORT_TAGS{'build'} = \@EXPORT_OK;
use File::Spec::Functions qw(:ALL);
use lib '../MegaDistro';
# Package-specific configurables
# the package metadata (headers)
our %metadata = (
# the package Name
'name' => 'megadistro',
# the package Version
'version' => $MegaDistro::VERSION,
# the package Release number
'release' => '2',
# the package Section
'section' => 'libs',
# the package Priority
'priority' => 'optional',
# the package Dependencies
'depends' => 'perl (>= 5.6.1)',
# the package Suggestions
'suggests' => 'perl (>= 5.8.5)',
# the package Replaces
'replaces' => 'megadistro (<< ' . $MegaDistro::VERSION . ')',
# the package Conflicts
'conflicts' => 'megadistro (<< ' . $MegaDistro::VERSION . ')',
# the package Maintainer
'maintainer' => 'David Buchman <>',
# the package Description (short)
'description' => 'A packaged bundle of pre-compiled perl modules.',
# hash to contain various sections
our %section;
# the Description section (long)
$section{'description'} = [
'The MegaDistro is a distributable binary package,',
'which contains a selection of pre-compiled perl modules.',
'Simply feed it a list of modules,',
'configure manually if necessary,',
'and crank out a package!',
# hash to contain the various directories needed for building the rpm, on the system
our %buildtree;
sub _init_globals {
# Package directory (name)
$buildtree{'PACKAGE'} = 'debian';
# SOURCES directory
$buildtree{'ROOT'} = catdir($Conf{'rootdir'}, $buildtree{'PACKAGE'});
# BUILD directory
$buildtree{'CONTROL'} = catdir($buildtree{'ROOT'}, 'DEBIAN');
# RPM directory
$buildtree{'BUILDROOT'} = $buildtree{'ROOT'};
# Preparation
sub build_pre {
if ( $args{'trace'} ) {
print 'MegaDistro::DebMaker::Config : Executing sub-routine: build_pre' . "\n";
mkpath $buildtree{'ROOT'} if ! -d $buildtree{'ROOT'};
mkpath $buildtree{'CONTROL'} if ! -d $buildtree{'CONTROL'};
mkpath $buildtree{'BUILDROOT'} if ! -d $buildtree{'BUILDROOT'};