Changes for version 0.99.4 - 2006-02-17
- Fixed -menu to handle nested arrays as well as nested hashes
- Removed spurious -wipe and -wipefirst options, by renaming them -clear and -clearfirst
- Fixed cuddling behaviour
- Added special <esc> handling (principally to allow navigation back up a menu level under -menu)
- Added dependencies to and Makefile.PL (thanks to the many people who reported this oversight)
- Made all underscores in flags optional
Interactively prompt for user input
in lib/IO/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/