Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 17 Learn more

#! /usr/bin/perl
# Thanks to Tom Christiansen and Abigail for doing the hard work
# underlying this example
use strict;
use 5.010;
use Data::Dumper "Dumper";
my $rfc5322 = do {
use Regexp::Grammars; # ...the magic is lexically scoped
# Keep the big stick handy, just in case...
# <debug:on>
# Match this...
# As defined by these...
<token: address> <mailbox> | <group>
<token: mailbox> <name_only> | <addr_spec> | <name_addr>
<token: name_only> [^<>@]+ $
<token: name_addr> <display_name>? <angle_addr>
<token: angle_addr> <CFWS>? \< <addr_spec> \> <CFWS>?
<token: group> <display_name> : (?:<mailbox_list> | <CFWS>)? ; <CFWS>?
<token: display_name> <phrase>
<token: mailbox_list> <[mailbox]>+ % (,)
<token: addr_spec> <local_part> \@ <domain>
<token: local_part> <dot_atom> | <quoted_string>
<token: domain> <dot_atom> | <domain_literal>
<token: domain_literal> <CFWS>? \[ (?: <FWS>? <[dcontent]>)*+ <FWS>?
<token: dcontent> <dtext> | <quoted_pair>
<token: dtext> <.NO_WS_CTL> | [\x21-\x5a\x5e-\x7e]
<token: atext> <.ALPHA> | <.DIGIT> | [!#\$%&'*+-/=?^_`{|}~]
<token: atom> <.CFWS>? <.atext>+ <.CFWS>?
<token: dot_atom> <.CFWS>? <.dot_atom_text> <.CFWS>?
<token: dot_atom_text> <.atext>+ (?: \. <.atext>+)*+
<token: text> [\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x7f]
<token: quoted_pair> \\ <.text>
<token: qtext> <.NO_WS_CTL> | [\x21\x23-\x5b\x5d-\x7e]
<token: qcontent> <.qtext> | <.quoted_pair>
<token: quoted_string> <.CFWS>? <.DQUOTE> (?:<.FWS>? <.qcontent>)*+
<.FWS>? <.DQUOTE> <.CFWS>?
<token: word> <.atom> | <.quoted_string>
<token: phrase> <.word>+
# Folding white space
<token: FWS> (?: <.WSP>* <.CRLF>)? <.WSP>+
<token: ctext> <.NO_WS_CTL> | [\x21-\x27\x2a-\x5b\x5d-\x7e]
<token: ccontent> <.ctext> | <.quoted_pair> | <.comment>
<token: comment> \( (?: <.FWS>? <.ccontent>)*+ <.FWS>? \)
<token: CFWS> (?: <.FWS>? <.comment>)*+
(?: (?:<.FWS>? <.comment>) | <.FWS>)
# No whitespace control
<token: NO_WS_CTL> [\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x7f]
<token: ALPHA> [A-Za-z]
<token: DIGIT> [0-9]
<token: CRLF> \x0d \x0a
<token: DQUOTE> "
<token: WSP> [\x20\x09]
$| = 1;
while (my $input = <>) {
say "Testing: $input";
if ($input =~ $rfc5322) {
say Dumper \%/; # ...the parse tree of any successful match
# appears in this punctuation variable