Changes for version 1.14.0 - 2007-09-30
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Changes for version 1.14.0 - 2007-09-30
- No changes logged
Changes for version 1.14.0 - 2007-09-30
- No changes logged
Changes for version 1.14.0 - 2007-09-30
- Fixed bug in handling empty mail messages
- Fixed bug in handling sig delimiters
- Fixed bug in paragraph ignoring code (thanks Rob)
- Fixed bug in handling whitespace-only input (thanks Ed)
- Fixed bug in Roman numerals (thanks Suresh)
- Fixed overeager autocentering (thanks Suresh)
- Enhanced 'lists' option to allow only specific types of lists to be recognized (thanks Rob)
- Fixed bug in numbered hangs (thanks Rob)
- Fixed bug in Roman numeraled hangs (thanks Rob)
- Fixed misidentification of 8:20-style times as leading numbers (thanks Rob)
- Fixed sentence mode (thanks Eric)
- Changed licence to "same terms as Perl itself" to improve Fedora compatibility
Automatic text wrapping and reformatting