Changes for version 0.004000 - 2018-05-07
- Allowed each_pair() and each_kv() to take a subroutine as an iterator.
- Added each_value() to return just the value iterated without returning the key.
- INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: Improved behaviour of each_pair() and each_kv(). Now they differentiate between:
- while (my $pair = each_pair $NAMED_CONTAINER) {...}
- and: while (my $pair = each_pair EXPRESSION_PRODUCING_CONTAINER_REF) {...}
- If the container is NOT passed in a named variable (i.e. as a simple scalar, array, or hash variable), then the iteration is NOT specific to the container, only to the location. In other words, when the argument is an expression, the value of that expression is only significant at the beginning of the iteration loop; if it changes during the loop, the changes are ignored. This produces a lot more "do-what-I-mean"-ness.
OO iterators and pair constructors for variables
in lib/Var/Pairs/
in lib/Var/Pairs/