my %locations = Get_Program_Locations(@args);
Update_Code('lib/FileHandle/', \%locations);
Update_Code('lib/Test/', \%locations);
return %locations;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub Update_Code { my $filename = shift; my %locations = %{ shift @_ };
my $code = _Read_Code($filename);
foreach my $program (keys %locations)
if (defined $locations{$program})
$locations{$program} = "\'$locations{$program}\'";
$locations{$program} = "undef";
if ($code =~ /(PROGRAMS = \(.*?\))/s)
my $original_programs = $1;
my $new_programs = $original_programs;
$new_programs =~ s/('diff' *=> *).*?,/$1$locations{diff},/;
$new_programs =~ s/('grep' *=> *).*?,/$1$locations{grep},/;
$new_programs =~ s/('tzip' *=> *).*?,/$1$locations{tzip},/;
$new_programs =~ s/('gzip' *=> *).*?,/$1$locations{gzip},/;
$new_programs =~ s/('compress' *=> *).*?,/$1$locations{gzip},/;
$new_programs =~ s/('bzip' *=> *).*?,/$1$locations{bzip},/;
$new_programs =~ s/('bzip2' *=> *).*?,/$1$locations{bzip2},/;
$code =~ s/\Q$original_programs\E/$new_programs/;
die "Couldn't find programs hash in";
_Write_Code($filename, $code);
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub _Read_Code { my $filename = shift;
local $/ = undef;
open SOURCE, $filename
or die "Couldn't open file \"$filename\": $!";
my $code = <SOURCE>;
close SOURCE;
return $code;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub _Write_Code { my $filename = shift; my $code = shift;
open SOURCE, ">$filename"
or die "Couldn't open grepmail file \"$filename\": $!";
print SOURCE $code;
close SOURCE;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub Get_Program_Locations { my @args = @_;
my %defaults = (
'diff' => 'diff',
'grep' => 'grep',
'tzip' => 'tzip',
'gzip' => 'gzip',
'bzip2' => 'bzip2',
'bzip' => 'bzip2',
my %programs = (
'diff' => undef,
'grep' => undef,
'tzip' => undef,
'gzip' => undef,
'bzip2' => undef,
'bzip' => undef,
foreach my $arg (@args)
my ($var,$value) = $arg =~ /^(.*?)=(.*)$/;
$value = undef if $value eq '';
$programs{'diff'} = $value if $var eq 'DIFF';
$programs{'grep'} = $value if $var eq 'GREP';
$programs{'tzip'} = $value if $var eq 'TZIP';
$programs{'bzip'} = $value if $var eq 'BZIP';
$programs{'gzip'} = $value if $var eq 'GZIP';
$programs{'bzip2'} = $value if $var eq 'BZIP2';
return %programs if grep {/^(DIFF|GREP|TZIP|GZIP|BZIP2?)=/} @args;
You must now specify the location of external programs for decompressing
compressed folders. You must specify the full path--otherwise you may
accidentally execute a trojan version of the decompression program. You can
enter "none" to disable support for decompressing files of a given type.
my @path = split /$Config{path_sep}/, $ENV{PATH};
foreach my $program (sort keys %programs)
my $name = $Config{$program} || $defaults{$program};
my $full_path = Find_Program($name, [@path]);
$full_path = $name if !defined $full_path && MM->maybe_command($name);
$full_path = 'none' if !defined $full_path || $full_path eq '';
my $choice = ExtUtils::MakeMaker::prompt(
"Where can I find your \"$program\" executable?" => $full_path);
$programs{$program} = undef, next if $choice eq 'none';
if (File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($choice) &&
$programs{$program} = $choice;
print "\"$choice\" does not appear to be a valid executable\n";
return %programs;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub Find_Program { my $program = shift; my @path = @{ shift @_ };
my $param = (($program =~ s/(\s+.*)//) ? $1 : '');
for my $dir (@path)
my $abs = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $program);
return $abs.$param if $abs = MM->maybe_command($abs);
return undef;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub Check_Program_Prerequisites { my %locations = @_;
Check_Diff_Version($locations{'diff'}) if defined $locations{'diff'};
Check_Grep_Version($locations{'grep'}) if defined $locations{'grep'};
Check_Tzip_Version($locations{'tzip'}) if defined $locations{'tzip'};
Check_Gzip_Version($locations{'gzip'}) if defined $locations{'gzip'};
Check_Bzip_Version($locations{'bzip'}) if defined $locations{'bzip'};
Check_Bzip2_Version($locations{'bzip2'}) if defined $locations{'bzip2'};
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub Check_Diff_Version { my $program = shift;
# Right now we pass everything until we hear about a version which doesn't
# work.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub Check_Grep_Version { my $program = shift;
my $version = `$program --version`;
unless ($version =~ /\bGNU\b/)
warn "\n$program is not GNU grep!\n";
$version =~ s/^.*?([\d.]+)\n.*/$1/s;
my $version_number;
# Converts 2.5.1 into 2.0501 for comparison later. (I assume that we'll
# never have a subversion number greater than 99)
my $exponent = 0;
$version =~ s/(\d+)/$version_number += $1 * (10 ** $exponent);$exponent -= 2; $1/ge;
# 2.0 fails, according to David N. Blank-Edelman <>
warn "\nYour version of GNU grep is too old.\n"
unless $version_number >= 2.01;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub Check_Tzip_Version { my $program = shift;
# Right now we pass everything until we hear about a version which doesn't
# work.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub Check_Gzip_Version { my $program = shift;
# Right now we pass everything until we hear about a version which doesn't
# work.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub Check_Bzip_Version { my $program = shift;
# Right now we pass everything until we hear about a version which doesn't
# work.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub Check_Bzip2_Version { my $program = shift;
# Right now we pass everything until we hear about a version which doesn't
# work.