HTML::TagTree - An HTML generator via a tree of 'tag' objects.


my $html = HTML::TagTree->new('html');
my $head = $html->head();
my $body = $html->body();
$head->title("This is the Title of Gary's Page, the opening title...");
$head->meta('', 'name=author CONTENT="Dan DeBrito"');
$body->div->h1('Hello Dolly');
my $table = $body->table('', 'width=100% border=1');
my $row1 = $table->tr();
$row1->td('cell a');
$row1->td('cell b');
$table->tr->td('This is a new row with new cell');
$table->tr->td('This is a another new row with new data');
# Print out the actual HTML
# Put html into a scalar variable
my $html_source = $html->get_html_text();
# Force destruction of object tree


HTLM::TagTrees allows easy building of a tree objects where
each object represents: 1) a tag 2) its value and 3) any
tag attributes. Valid HTML is build of the tree via a method call.


Smart quoting of tag parameters:
Doing something like this:
$body->div('','id=nav onclick="alert(\"Hello World\"');
the HTML module will render HTML that looks like:
<div id="nav" onclick='alert("Hello World")' \>
Reduce whitespace in your HTML rendering by turning
on the no_whitespace_flag.
my $no_whitespace_html_text = $html->get_html_text('',1);
# Or..
my $indent_level = 0;
my $no_whitespace_flag = 1;
print $html_obj->get_html_text($indent_level, $no_whitespace_flag);


Returns a TagTree object


Every HTML tag type is an object method.
object for valid creation
undef if tag_name is not a valid name;
Untagged data that goes in between open and close tag. eg
Content my be a Perl scalar, a ref to a scalar,
or ref to a subroutine. Dereferencing occurs at the
time of HTML rendering (via print_html()
or get_html_text() methods).
Attributes of this HTML tag.
Attributes argument may be a Perl scalar, a ref to a scalar,
or a ref to a subroutine. Dereferencing occurs at the
time of HTML rendering.
Example of attributes:
'id=first_name name=fn class=str_cl'
Return valid HTML representation of tag tree starting at tab object.
Prints the valid HTML to STDOUT
Destroys all children objects so no objects reference
this object (and it can be destroyed when it goes out of scope).
set_valid_tags( tag_names )
Clears and sets what the valid tag names are for which
objects can be created.


Returns the generic HTTP header:
"Content-type: text/html\nStatus: 200 OK\n\n";


The philosophy of HTML::TagTree is to let you create
one region of code with lots of business logic
for rendering many possible resulting HTML files/output.
This differs from the approach of using business logic code
to decide which HTML template (of many) to render.
So rather than maintaining many HTML templates, you
maintain a Perl file that does all possible customizations
of HTML generation.
This module strives to minimize typing. Object treeing is
just a simple method call, eg:
$body->h1->b->i('This is a bold, italic heading');
HTML::TagTree removes the worries of making simple HTML syntax
errors such as no matching closing tag for an open tag.


HTML::TagTree version 1.0.


No prerequisites.


Dan DeBrito (<>)


Copyright (c) 2007 - 2011 by Dan DeBrito. All rights reserved.


This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, i.e., under the terms of the "Artistic License" or the "GNU General Public License".

Please refer to the files "Artistic.txt", "GNU_GPL.txt" and "GNU_LGPL.txt" in this distribution for details!


This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

See the "GNU General Public License" for more details.