Class::IntrospectionMethods::Catalog - manage catalogs from IntrospectionMethods
No synopsis. Directly used by Class::IntrospectionMethods
This class handles slot catalogs for Class::IntrospectionMethods.
Exported functions
set_method_info( target_class, method_name, info_ref )
Store construction info for method method_name
of class target_class
set_global_catalog (target_class, ...)
Store catalog informations. The first parameter is the class featuring the methods declared in the global catalog.
Following paramaters is a set of named paramaters (e.g. key => value):
- name
Mandatory name for the global catalog
- list
array ref containing the list of slot and catalog. E.g.:
list => [ [qw/foo bar baz/] => foo_catalog, [qw/a b z/] => alpha_catalog, my_object => my_catalog ],
- isa
Optional hash ref declaring a containment for catalog. E.g:
list => [ 'foo' => 'USER' , 'admin' => 'ROOT' ], isa => { USER => 'ROOT' }
Then the 'ROOT' catalog will return 'foo', and the 'USER' catalog will return 'foo' and 'admin'.
- help
Optional hash ref (
slot_name => help
). Store some help information for each slot.
set_global_catalog will construct:
A ClassCatalog object containing the global catalog informations.
A sub_ref containing the ClassCatalog object in a closure.
Returns ( slot_name
, sub_ref ). The sub_ref is to be installed in the target class.
When called as a class method, the subref will return the ClassCatalog object. When called as a target class method, the subref will return an ObjectCatalog object associated to the ClassCatalog object stored in the closure.
These 2 object have the same API. ObjectCatalog is used to contain catalog changes that may occur at run-time. ClassCatalog informations will not change.
ClassCatalog or ObjectCatalog methods
catalog( slot_name )
Returns the catalogs names containing this slot (does not take into accounts the isa stuff)
Return either an array or an array ref depending on context.
slot ( catalog_name )
Returns the slots contained in catalog_name (takes into accounts the isa parameter)
Return a list of all slots (respecting the order defined in global_catalog).
Returns a sorted list of all defined catalogs.
ObjectClass methods
Unknown methods will be forwarded to associated ClassCatalog object.
change( slot_name, catalog_name )
Move the slot into catalog catalog_name
reset( slot_name )
Put back slot in catalog as defined by global_catalog (and as stored in ClassCatalog).
ClassCatalog methods
help ( slot_name )
Return the help info for slot_name that was given to set_global_catalog. This is just a place holder.
info ( slot_name )
Returns construction informations of slot_name. This is handy for introspection of actual properties of slot slot_name
The details are returned in an array that contains:
The slot type: i.e. either
slot_type => scalar
,slot_type => array
orslot_type => hash
.If the index is tied (for
slot type), the array will contain:tie_index => $tie_class
. If some constructor arguments are used, the array will also containtie_index_args => \@args
.If the target value (i.e. the scalar) is tied (for all slot types), the array will contain:
tie_scalar => $tie_class
. If some constructor arguments are used, the array will also containtie_scalar_args => \@args
.If the target value (i.e. the scalar) is a plain object (for all slot types), the array will contain:
class => $class
. If some constructor arguments are used, the array will also containclass_args => \@args
package X ;
use ExtUtils::testlib;
use Class::IntrospectionMethods qw/make_methods set_obsolete_behavior/;
# slot order is important in global_catalog (and will be respected)
global_catalog =>
name => 'metacat',
list => [
[qw/foo bar baz/] => foo_cat,
[qw/a b z/] => alpha_cat,
[qw/stdhash my_object my_scalar/] => my_cat
isa => { my_cat => 'alpha_cat'} # my_cat includes alpha_cat
get_set => [qw/bar foo baz/],
hash =>
a => {
tie_hash => ['MyHash', dummy => 'booh'],
class_storage => ['MyObj', 'a' => 'foo']
[qw/z b/] => {
tie_hash => ['MyHash'],
class_storage => ['MyObj', 'b' => 'bar']
stdhash => {
class_storage => ['MyObj', 'a' => 'foo']
object => [ 'my_object' => 'MyObj' ],
tie_scalar => [ 'my_scalar' => ['MyScalar' , foo => 'bar' ]] ,
new => 'new'
package main;
# class catalog
my $class_cat_obj = &X::metacat ;
print $class_cat_obj->all_catalog];
# -> alpha_cat foo_cat my_cat
print $class_cat_obj->slot('foo_cat') ;
# -> foo bar baz
print $class_cat_obj->slot('alpha_cat');
# -> a b z
print $class_cat_obj->slot('my_cat');
# -> a b z stdhash my_object my_scalar
print $class_cat_obj->catalog('a');
# -> alpha_cat
print $class_cat_obj->info('my_object');
# -> slot_type scalar class MyObj
# more complex info result
my @result = $class_cat_obj->info('a') ;
# @result is :
# [
# 'slot_type', 'hash',
# 'class', 'MyObj',
# 'class_args', ['a', 'foo'],
# 'tie_index', 'MyHash',
# 'tie_index_args', ['dummy', 'booh']
# ],
@result = $class_cat_obj->info('my_scalar') ;
# @result is :
# [
# 'slot_type', 'scalar',
# 'tie_scalar', 'MyScalar',
# 'tie_scalar_args', ['foo', 'bar']
# ], "test class_cat_obj->info('my_scalar')") ;
# object catalog
my $o = new X;
my $cat_obj = $o->metacat ;
print $cat_obj->all_catalog;
# -> alpha_cat foo_cat my_cat
print $cat_obj->slot('foo_cat');
# -> foo bar baz
# moving a slot
print $class_cat_obj->catalog('stdhash') ;
# -> my_cat
$cat_obj->change('stdhash' => 'foo_cat') ;
# class catalog has not changed
print $class_cat_obj->catalog('stdhash') ;
# -> my_cat
# my_cat does no longer feature stdhash
print $cat_obj->slot('my_cat');
# -> a b z my_object my_scalar
# stdhash is now in foo_cat
print $cat_obj->slot('foo_cat') ;
# -> foo bar baz stdhash
print $cat_obj->catalog('stdhash');
# -> foo_cat
Copyright (c) 2004 Dominique Dumont. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.