# This file is part of Config-Model
# This software is Copyright (c) 2005-2018 by Dominique Dumont.
# This is free software, licensed under:
# The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999
$Config::Model::Backend::IniFile::VERSION = '2.132';
use Carp;
use Mouse;
use 5.10.0;
use Log::Log4perl qw(get_logger :levels);
my $logger = get_logger("Backend::IniFile");
sub annotation { return 1; }
sub read {
my $self = shift;
my %args = @_;
# args is:
# object => $obj, # Config::Model::Node object
# root => './my_test', # fake root directory, userd for tests
# config_dir => /etc/foo', # absolute path
# file => 'foo.conf', # file name
# file_path => './my_test/etc/foo/foo.conf'
# check => yes|no|skip
return 0 unless $args{file_path}->exists; # no file to read
my $section = '<top>'; # dumb value used for logging
my $delimiter = $args{comment_delimiter} || '#';
my $hash_class = $args{store_class_in_hash} || '';
my $section_map = $args{section_map} || {};
my $split_reg = $args{split_list_value};
my $check = $args{check} || 'yes';
my $assign_char = $args{assign_char} || '=';
my $obj = $self->node;
my %force_lc;
map { $force_lc{$_} = $args{"force_lc_$_"} ? 1 : 0; } qw/section key value/;
#FIXME: Is it possible to store the comments with their location
#in the file? It would be nice if comments that are after values
#in input file, would be written in the same way in the output
#file. Also, comments at the end of file are being ignored now.
my @lines = $args{file_path}->lines_utf8;
# try to get global comments (comments before a blank line)
$self->read_global_comments( \@lines, $delimiter );
my @assoc = $self->associates_comments_with_data( \@lines, $delimiter );
# store INI data in a structure:
# {
# name => value leaf
# name => [ value ] list
# name => { key => value , ... } hash
# name => { ... } node
# name => [ { ... }, ... ] list of nodes
# name => { key => { ... } , ... } hash of nodes
# }
my $ini_data = {};
my %ini_comment;
my $section_ref = $ini_data;
my $section_path = '';
foreach my $item (@assoc) {
my ( $vdata, $comment ) = @$item;
$logger->debug("ini read: reading '$vdata'");
my $comment_path;
# Update section name
if ( $vdata =~ /^\s*\[(.*)\]/ ) {
$section = $force_lc{section} ? lc($1) : $1;
my $remap = $section_map->{$section} || '';
if ( $remap eq '!' ) {
# section_map maps section to root node
$section_ref = $ini_data;
$comment_path = $section_path = '';
$logger->debug("step 1: found node <top> [$section]");
elsif ($remap) {
# section_map maps section to some node
$section_ref = {};
$logger->debug("step 1: found node $remap [$section]");
$section_path = $comment_path =
$self->set_or_push( $ini_data, $remap, $section_ref );
elsif ($hash_class) {
$ini_data->{$hash_class}{$section} = $section_ref = {};
$comment_path = $section_path = "$hash_class:$section";
$logger->debug("step 1: found node $hash_class and path $comment_path [$section]");
else {
$section_ref = {};
$logger->debug("step 1: found node $section [$section]");
$section_path = $comment_path =
$self->set_or_push( $ini_data, $section, $section_ref );
# for write later, need to store the obj if section map was used
if ( defined $section_map->{$section} ) {
$logger->debug("store section_map loc '$section_path' section '$section'");
$self->{reverse_section_map}{$section_path} = $section;
else {
my ( $name, $val ) = split( /\s*$assign_char\s*/, $vdata, 2 );
$name = lc($name) if $force_lc{key};
$val = lc($val) if $force_lc{value};
$comment_path = $section_path . ' ' . $self->set_or_push( $section_ref, $name, $val );
$logger->debug("step 1: found node $comment_path name $name in [$section]");
$ini_comment{$comment_path} = $comment if $comment;
my @load_args = ( data => $ini_data, check => $check );
push @load_args, split_reg => qr/$split_reg/ if $split_reg;
while ( my ( $k, $v ) = each %ini_comment ) {
my $item = $obj->grab( step => $k, mode => 'loose' ) or next;
$item = $item->fetch_with_id(0) if $item->get_type eq 'list';
$logger->debug("annotate '$v' on ", $item->location);
return 1;
sub load_data {
my $self = shift;
sub set_or_push {
my ( $self, $ref, $name, $val ) = @_;
my $cell = $ref->{$name};
my $path;
if ( defined $cell and ref($cell) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
push @$cell, $val;
$path = $name . ':' . $#$cell;
elsif ( defined $cell ) {
$ref->{$name} = [ $cell, $val ];
$path = $name . ':1';
else {
$ref->{$name} = $val;
$path = $name; # no way to distinguish between leaf and first value of list
return $path;
sub write {
my $self = shift;
my %args = @_;
# args is:
# object => $obj, # Config::Model::Node object
# root => './my_test', # fake root directory, userd for tests
# config_dir => /etc/foo', # absolute path
# file => 'foo.conf', # file name
# file_path => './my_test/etc/foo/foo.conf'
# check => yes|no|skip
my $node = $args{object};
my $delimiter = $args{comment_delimiter} || '#';
croak "Undefined file handle to write" unless defined $args{file_path};
# use the first char of the list as a comment delimeter
my $cc = substr($delimiter,0,1);
$args{comment_delimiter} = $cc;
my $res = $self->write_global_comment( $cc );
# some INI file have a 'General' section mapped in root node
my $top_class_name = $self->{reverse_section_map}{''};
if ( defined $top_class_name ) {
$logger->debug("writing class $top_class_name from reverse_section_map");
$res .= $self->write_data_and_comments( $cc, "[$top_class_name]" );
$res .= $self->_write(%args);
sub _write_list{
my ($self, $args, $node, $elt) = @_ ;
my $res = '';
my $join_list = $args->{join_list_value};
my $delimiter = $args->{comment_delimiter} || '#';
my $assign_with = $args->{assign_with} // $args->{assign_char} // ' = ';
my $obj = $node->fetch_element($elt);
my $obj_note = $obj->annotation;
if ( $join_list ) {
my @v = grep { length } $obj->fetch_all_values();
my $v = join( $join_list, @v );
if ( length($v) ) {
$logger->debug("writing joined list elt $elt -> $v");
$res .= $self->write_data_and_comments( $delimiter, "$elt$assign_with$v", $obj_note );
else {
foreach my $item ( $obj->fetch_all('custom') ) {
my $note = $item->annotation;
my $v = $item->fetch;
if ( length $v ) {
$logger->debug("writing list elt $elt -> $v");
$res .=
$self->write_data_and_comments( $delimiter, "$elt$assign_with$v",
$obj_note . $note );
else {
$logger->trace("NOT writing undef or empty list elt");
return $res;
sub _write_check_list{
my ($self, $args, $node, $elt) = @_ ;
my $res = '';
my $join_check_list = $args->{join_check_list_value};
my $delimiter = $args->{comment_delimiter} || '#';
my $assign_with = $args->{assign_with} // $args->{assign_char} // ' = ';
my $obj = $node->fetch_element($elt);
my $obj_note = $obj->annotation;
if ($join_check_list ) {
my $v = join( $join_check_list, $obj->get_checked_list() );
if ( length($v) ) {
$logger->debug("writing check_list elt $elt -> $v");
$res .= $self->write_data_and_comments( $delimiter, "$elt$assign_with$v", $obj_note );
else {
foreach my $v ( $obj->get_checked_list() ) {
$logger->debug("writing joined check_list elt $elt -> $v");
$res .= $self->write_data_and_comments( $delimiter, "$elt$assign_with$v", $obj_note );
return $res;
sub _write_leaf{
my ($self, $args, $node, $elt) = @_ ;
my $res = '';
my $write_bool_as = $args->{write_boolean_as};
my $delimiter = $args->{comment_delimiter} || '#';
my $assign_with = $args->{assign_with} // $args->{assign_char} // ' = ';
my $obj = $node->fetch_element($elt);
my $obj_note = $obj->annotation;
my $v = $obj->fetch;
if ( $write_bool_as and defined($v) and length($v) and $obj->value_type eq 'boolean' ) {
$v = $write_bool_as->[$v];
if ( defined $v and length $v ) {
$logger->debug("writing leaf elt $elt -> $v");
$res .= $self->write_data_and_comments( $delimiter, "$elt$assign_with$v", $obj_note );
else {
$logger->trace("NOT writing undef or empty leaf elt");
return $res;
sub _write_hash {
my ($self, $args, $node, $elt) = @_ ;
my $res = '';
my $delimiter = $args->{comment_delimiter} || '#';
my $obj = $node->fetch_element($elt);
my $obj_note = $obj->annotation;
foreach my $key ( $obj->fetch_all_indexes ) {
my $hash_obj = $obj->fetch_with_id($key);
my $note = $hash_obj->annotation;
$logger->debug("writing hash elt $elt key $key");
my $subres = $self->_write( %$args, object => $hash_obj );
if ($subres) {
$res .= "\n"
. $self->write_data_and_comments( $delimiter, "[$key]",
$obj_note . $note )
. $subres;
return $res;
sub _write_node {
my ($self, $args, $node, $elt) = @_ ;
my $res = '';
my $delimiter = $args->{comment_delimiter} || '#';
my $obj = $node->fetch_element($elt);
my $obj_note = $obj->annotation;
$logger->debug("writing class $elt");
my $subres = $self->_write( %$args, object => $obj );
if ($subres) {
# some INI file may have a section mapped to a node as exception to mapped in a hash
my $exception_name = $self->{reverse_section_map}{ $obj->location };
if ( defined $exception_name ) {
$logger->debug("writing class $exception_name from reverse_section_map");
my $c_name = $exception_name || $elt;
$res .= "\n"
. $self->write_data_and_comments( $delimiter, "[$c_name]", $obj_note )
. $subres;
return $res;
sub _write {
my $self = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $node = $args{object};
my $delimiter = $args{comment_delimiter} || '#';
$logger->trace( "called on ", $node->name );
my $res = '';
# Using Config::Model::ObjTreeScanner would be overkill
# first write list and element, then classes
foreach my $elt ( $node->get_element_name ) {
my $type = $node->element_type($elt);
$logger->trace("first loop on elt $elt type $type");
next if $type =~ /node/ or $type eq 'hash';
if ( $type eq 'list' ) {
$res .= $self->_write_list (\%args, $node, $elt) ;
elsif ( $type eq 'check_list') {
$res .= $self->_write_check_list (\%args, $node, $elt) ;
elsif ( $type eq 'leaf' ) {
$res .= $self->_write_leaf (\%args, $node, $elt) ;
else {
error => "unexpected type $type for leaf elt $elt",
object => $node
foreach my $elt ( $node->get_element_name ) {
my $type = $node->element_type($elt);
$logger->trace("second loop on elt $elt type $type");
next unless $type =~ /node/ or $type eq 'hash';
my $obj = $node->fetch_element($elt);
my $obj_note = $obj->annotation;
if ( $type eq 'hash' ) {
$res .= $self->_write_hash (\%args, $node, $elt) ;
else {
$res .= $self->_write_node (\%args, $node, $elt) ;
$logger->trace( "done on ", $node->name );
return $res;
no Mouse;
# ABSTRACT: Read and write config as a INI file
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Config::Model::Backend::IniFile - Read and write config as a INI file
=head1 VERSION
version 2.132
use Config::Model;
my $model = Config::Model->new;
$model->create_config_class (
name => "IniClass",
element => [
[qw/foo bar/] => {
type => 'list',
cargo => {qw/type leaf value_type string/}
# model for free INI class name and constrained class parameters
name => "MyClass",
element => [
ini_class => {
type => 'hash',
index_type => 'string',
cargo => {
type => 'node',
config_class_name => 'IniClass'
rw_config => {
backend => 'IniFile',
config_dir => '/tmp',
file => 'foo.conf',
store_class_in_hash => 'ini_class',
auto_create => 1,
my $inst = $model->instance(root_class_name => 'MyClass' );
my $root = $inst->config_root ;
$root->load('ini_class:ONE foo=FOO1 bar=BAR1 -
ini_class:TWO foo=FOO2' );
$inst->write_back ;
Now C</tmp/foo.conf> contains:
## file written by Config::Model
This module is used directly by L<Config::Model> to read or write the
content of a configuration tree written with INI syntax in
C<Config::Model> configuration tree.
This INI file can have arbitrary comment delimiter. See the example
in the SYNOPSIS that sets a semi-column as comment delimiter.
By default the comment delimiter is '#' like in Shell or Perl.
Note that undefined values are skipped for list element. I.e. when a
list element contains C<('a',undef,'b')>, the data structure
contains C<'a','b'>.
=head1 Limitations
=head2 Structure
Structure of the Config::Model must be very simple. Either:
=item *
A single class with hash of leaves elements.
=item *
2 levels of classes. The top level has nodes elements. All other
classes have only leaf elements.
=head1 Comments in Ini file
This backend tries to read and write comments from configuration
file. The comments are stored as annotation within the configuration
tree. Comments extraction is based on best estimation as to which
parameter the comment may apply. Wrong estimations are possible.
=head2 new
Parameters: C<< ( node => $node_obj, name => 'inifile' ) >>
Inherited from L<Config::Model::Backend::Any>. The constructor is
called by L<Config::Model::BackendMgr>.
=head1 Parameters
Optional parameters declared in the model:
=item comment_delimiter
Change the character that starts comments in the INI file. Default is 'C<#>'.
Some Ini files allows comments to begin with several characters
(e.g. C<#> or C<;>). In this case, set C<comment_delimiter> to the
possible characters (e.g "C<#;>"). The first character is used to
write back comments. (In the example above, comment C<; blah> is
written back as C<# blah>.
=item store_class_in_hash
See L</"Arbitrary class name">
=item section_map
Is a kind of exception of the above rule. See also L</"Arbitrary class name">
=item force_lc_section
Boolean. When set, sections names are converted to lowercase.
=item force_lc_key
Idem for key name
=item force_lc_value
Idem for all values.
=item split_list_value
Some INI values are in fact a list of items separated by a space or a comma.
This parameter specifies the regex to use to split the value into a list. This
applies only to C<list> elements.
=item join_list_value
Conversely, the list element split with C<split_list_value> needs to be written
back with a string to join them. Specify this string (usually ' ' or ', ')
with C<join_list_value>.
=item split_check_list_value
Some INI values are in fact a check list of items separated by a space or a comma.
This parameter specifies the regex to use to split the value read from the file
into a list of items to check. This applies only to C<check_list> elements.
=item join_check_list_value
Conversely, the check_list element split with C<split_list_value> needs to be written
back with a string to join them. Specify this string (usually ' ' or ', ')
with C<join_check_list_value>.
=item write_boolean_as
Array ref. Reserved for boolean value. Specify how to write a boolean value.
Default is C<[0,1]> which may not be the most readable. C<write_boolean_as> can be
specified as C<['false','true']> or C<['no','yes']>.
=item assign_char
Character used to assign value in INI file. Default is C<=>.
=item assign_with
String used write assignment in INI file. Default is "C< = >".
=head1 Mapping between INI structure and model
INI file typically have the same structure with 2 different conventions.
The class names can be imposed by the application or may be chosen by user.
=head2 Imposed class name
In this case, the class names must match what is expected by the application.
The elements of each class can be different. For instance:
foo = foo_v
[ A ]
bar = bar_v
[ B ]
baz = baz_v
In this case, class C<A> and class C<B> do not use the same configuration class.
The model has this structure:
Root class
|- leaf element foo
|- node element A of class_A
| \- leaf element bar
\- node element B of class_B
\- leaf element baz
=head2 Arbitrary class name
In this case, the class names can be chosen by the end user. Each class has the same
elements. For instance:
foo = foo_v
[ A ]
bar = bar_v1
[ B ]
bar = bar_v2
In this case, class C<A> and class C<B> do not use the same configuration class.
The model has this structure:
Root class
|- leaf foo
\- hash element my_class_holder
|- key A (value is node of class_A)
| \- element-bar
\- key B (value is node of class_A)
\- element-bar
In this case, the C<my_class_holder> name is specified in C<rw_config> with C<store_class_in_hash>
rw_config => {
backend => 'IniFile',
config_dir => '/tmp',
file => 'foo.ini',
store_class_in_hash => 'my_class_holder',
Of course they are exceptions. For instance, in C<Multistrap>, the C<[General]>
INI class must be mapped to a specific node object. This can be specified
with the C<section_map> parameter:
rw_config => }
backend => 'IniFile',
config_dir => '/tmp',
file => 'foo.ini',
store_class_in_hash => 'my_class_holder',
section_map => {
General => 'general_node',
C<section_map> can also map an INI class to the root node:
rw_config => {
backend => 'ini_file',
store_class_in_hash => 'sections',
section_map => {
General => '!'
=head1 Handle key value files
This backend is able to handle simple configuration files where the
values are written as key value pairs like:
foo = bar
foo: bar
The option C<assign_char> is used to specify which character is used
to assign a value in the file (white spaces are ignored).
C<assign_char> is "C<=>" (the default) in the first example, and
"C<:>" in the second.
The C<assign_with> is used to control how the file is written back. E.g:
foo=bar # the default
foo= bar # assign_with is "= "
foo = bar # assign_with is " = "
foo:bar # assign_char is ':', assign_with is the default
foo: bar # assign_char is ':', assign_with is ": "
foo : bar # assign_char is ':', assign_with is " : "
=head1 Methods
=head2 read
Of all parameters passed to this read call-back, only C<file_path> is
used. This parameter must be L<Path::Tiny> object.
It can also be undef. In this case, C<read> returns 0.
When a file is read, C<read> returns 1.
=head2 write
Of all parameters passed to this write call-back, only C<file_path> is
used. This parameter must be a L<Path::Tiny> object.
C<write> returns 1.
=head1 AUTHOR
Dominique Dumont, (ddumont at cpan dot org);
Krzysztof Tyszecki, (krzysztof.tyszecki at gmail dot com)
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Dominique Dumont
This software is Copyright (c) 2005-2018 by Dominique Dumont.
This is free software, licensed under:
The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999