Config::Model::models::Approx - Configuration class Approx
Configuration classes used by Config::Model
Configuration model for Approx
cache - approx cache directory
Specifies the location of the approx cache directory (default: /var/cache/approx). It and all its subdirectories must be owned by the approx server (see also the $user and $group parameters, below.)Optional. Type uniline. upstream_default: '/var/cache/approx'.
interval - file cache expiration in minutes
Specifies the time in minutes after which a cached file will be considered too old to deliver without first checking with the remote repository for a newer version. Optional. Type integer. upstream_default: '720'.
max_rate - maximum download rate from remote repositories
Specifies the maximum download rate from remote repositories, in bytes per second (default: unlimited). The value may be suffixed with "K", "M", or "G" to indicate kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes per second, respectively.Optional. Type uniline.
max_redirects - maximum number of HTTP redirections
Specifies the maximum number of HTTP redirections that will be followed when downloading a remote file. Optional. Type integer. upstream_default: '5'.
user - user that owns the files in the approx cache
Optional. Type uniline. upstream_default: 'approx'.
group - group that owns the files in the approx cache
Optional. Type uniline. upstream_default: 'approx'.
syslog - syslog(3) facility to use when logging
Optional. Type uniline. upstream_default: 'daemon'.
pdiffs - support IndexFile diffs
Optional. Type boolean. upstream_default: '1'.
offline - use cached files when offline
Specifies whether to deliver (possibly out-of-date) cached files when they cannot be downloaded from remote repositories. Optional. Type boolean. upstream_default: '0'.
max_wait - max wait for concurrent file download
Specifies how many seconds an approx(8) process will wait for a concurrent download of a file to complete, before attempting to download the file itself. Optional. Type integer. upstream_default: '10'.
Specifies whether informational messages should be printed in the log. Optional. Type boolean. upstream_default: '0'.
Specifies whether debug messages should be printed in the log. Optional. Type boolean. upstream_default: '0'.
distributions - remote repositories
The other name/value pairs are used to map distribution names to remote repositories. For example,
debian =>
security =>
Use the distribution name as the key of the hash element and the URL as the value . Optional. Type hash of uniline.