config-model-edit - Edit Config::Model models


config-model-edit [options] -model Xorg


Config-model is a general purpose configuration framework based on configuration models (See Config::Model for detaisl).

This configuration model is also expressed as structured data. This structure data is structured and follow a set of rules which are described for humans in Config::Model.

The structure and rules documented in Config::Model are also expressed in a model in the files provided with Config::Model::Itself.

Hence the possibity to verify, modify configuration data provided by Config::Model can also be applied on configuration models. Using the same user interface.

The model editor program is config-model-edit.


By default, installed models (i.e. located in /usr/share/perl/...) will be loaded in the editor. Modified models will be saved (by default) in the current directory.

When you specify a -model options, only configuration models matching this options will be loaded. I.e.

config-model-edit -model Xorg

will load models Xorg (file and all other Xorg::* like Xorg::Screen (file Xorg/



Mandatory option that specifies the configuration data to be edited. By default, installed models will be edited. If you are running E.g. this command:

config-edit -model Fstab

will look for /etc/config-model.d/ model file. See Config::Model for more details.


Specify the user interface type.

  • shell: provides a shell like interface. See Config::Model::TermUI for details.

  • curses: provides a curses user interface (If Config::Model::CursesUI is installed).


Specify an alternate directory to find model files. Mostly useful for tests.


Specify where to write the configuration files. (Actual default directory and file names depends on the model (See -model option).


Specify where to read the configuration files. (Actual default directory and file names depends on the model (See -model option).


Be (very) verbose


Provide debug infos.


Provides a full stack trace when exiting on error.


Dominique Dumont, ddumont at cpan dot org


Config::Model::Model, Config::Model::Instance, Config::Model::HashId, Config::Model::ListId, Config::Model::WarpedNode, Config::Model::Value