Changes for version 1.231 - 2013-12-23
- Added parameters supported by OpenSsh 6.4 (i.e. IgnoreUnknown ForwardX11Timeout GatewayPorts GSSAPIKeyExchange GSSAPIClientIdentity GSSAPIServerIdentity GSSAPIDelegateCredentials GSSAPIRenewalForcesRekey GSSAPITrustDns IPQoS KexAlgorithms PKCS11Provider AllowAgentForwarding AuthenticationMethods AuthorizedKeysCommand AuthorizedKeysCommandUser AuthorizedPrincipalsFile ChrootDirectory GSSAPIStoreCredentialsOnRekey HostCertificate HostKeyAgent MaxSessions PermitBlacklistedKeys PubkeyAuthentication RekeyLimit RevokedKeys RhostsRSAAuthentication TrustedUserCAKeys VersionAddendum)
Changes for version 1.230_04 - 2013-08-19
- Depends on Config::Model 2.041
- Build depends on Config::Model::Tester 2.042
Changes for version 1.230_03 - 2013-08-09
- Load EV at beginning of test to avoid failure in CPAN smoke tests.
Changes for version 1.230_02 - 2013-08-08
- Load AnyEvent at beginning of test to avoid failure in CPAN smoke tests.
Changes for version 1.230_01 - 2013-08-07
- Fixed dist.ini to tweak $VERSION in all module files
Configuration class Ssh::HostElement
Configuration class Ssh::PortForward
Configuration class Sshd
Configuration class Sshd::MatchBlock
Configuration class Sshd::MatchCondition
Configuration class Sshd::MatchElement
Configuration class SystemSsh
Common backend methods for Ssh and Sshd backends
Backend for ssh configuration files
Backend for sshd configuration files
OpenSSH config editor