Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 17 Learn more

# $Author: ddumont $
# $Date: 2008-03-11 13:41:37 +0100 (Tue, 11 Mar 2008) $
# $Revision: 537 $
# Copyright (c) 2007,2008 Dominique Dumont.
# This file is part of Config-Model-TkUI.
# Config-Model is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# Config-Model is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License
# along with Config-Model; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
use strict;
use warnings ;
use Carp ;
use vars qw/$VERSION $icon_path/ ;
use subs qw/menu_struct/ ;
use Scalar::Util qw/weaken/;
use Tk::Photo ;
$VERSION = sprintf "1.%04d", q$Revision: 537 $ =~ /(\d+)/;
Construct Tk::Widget 'ConfigModelUI';
my $warn_img ;
my $cust_img ;
my $mod_file = 'Config/Model/TkUI.pm' ;
$icon_path = $INC{'Config/Model/TkUI.pm'} ;
$icon_path =~ s/TkUI.pm//;
$icon_path .= 'Tk/icons/' ;
my $logger = Log::Log4perl::get_logger(__PACKAGE__);
sub ClassInit {
my ($class, $mw) = @_;
# ClassInit is often used to define bindings and/or other
# resources shared by all instances, e.g., images.
# cw->Advertise(name=>$widget);
sub Populate {
my ($cw, $args) = @_;
unless (defined $warn_img) {
$warn_img = $cw->Photo(-file => $icon_path.'dialog-warning.gif');
$cust_img = $cw->Photo(-file => $icon_path.'go-next.gif');
foreach my $parm (qw/-root/) {
my $attr = $parm ;
$attr =~ s/^-//;
$cw->{$attr} = delete $args->{$parm}
or croak "Missing $parm arg\n";
foreach my $parm (qw/-store_sub/) {
my $attr = $parm ;
$attr =~ s/^-//;
$cw->{$attr} = delete $args->{$parm} ;
# check unknown parameters
croak "Unknown parameter ",join(' ',keys %$args) if %$args;
# initialize internal attributes
$cw->{location} = 'foobar';
$cw->{modified_data} = 0;
$cw->setup_scanner() ;
# create top menu
require Tk::Menubutton ;
my $menubar = $cw->Menu ;
$cw->configure(-menu => $menubar ) ;
my $file_items = [[ qw/command reload -command/, sub{ $cw->reload }],
[ qw/command save -command/, sub{ $cw->save }],
[ command => 'save in dir ...',
-command => sub{ $cw->save_in_dir ;} ],
[ qw/command quit -command/, sub{ $cw->quit }],
] ;
$menubar->cascade( -label => 'File', -menuitems => $file_items ) ;
$cw->add_help_menu($menubar) ;
my $perm_ref = $cw->{scanner}->get_permission_ref ;
$cw->{perm_ref} = $perm_ref ;
my $perm_items = [
map {['radiobutton',$_,'-variable', $perm_ref,
-command => sub{$cw->reload ;}
] }
qw/master advanced intermediate/
] ;
my $opt_items = [[qw/cascade permission -menuitems/, $perm_items ]] ;
$menubar->cascade( -label => 'Options', -menuitems => $opt_items ) ;
# create frame for location entry
my $loc_frame = $cw -> Frame (-relief => 'sunken', -borderwidth => 1)
-> pack (-pady => 0, -fill => 'x' ) ;
$loc_frame->Label(-text => 'location :') -> pack ( -side => 'left');
$loc_frame->Label(-textvariable => \$cw->{location}) -> pack ( -side => 'left');
# add bottom frame
my $bottom_frame = $cw->Frame
->pack (qw/-pady 0 -fill both -expand 1/ ) ;
# create the widget for tree navigation
require Tk::Tree;
my $tree = $bottom_frame
-> Scrolled ( qw/Tree/,
-columns => 4,
-header => 1,
-selectmode => 'single',
-browsecmd => sub{$cw->on_browse(@_) ;},
-command => sub{$cw->on_select(@_) ;},
-opencmd => sub{$cw->open_item(@_) ;},
-> pack ( qw/-fill both -expand 1 -side left/) ;
$cw->{tktree} = $tree ;
# add adjuster
require Tk::Adjuster;
$bottom_frame -> Adjuster()->packAfter($tree, -side => 'left') ;
# add headers
$tree -> headerCreate(0, -text => "element" ) ;
$tree -> headerCreate(1, -text => "status" ) ;
$tree -> headerCreate(2, -text => "value" ) ;
$tree -> headerCreate(3, -text => "standard value" ) ;
$cw->reload ;
# add frame on the right for entry and help
my $eh_frame = $bottom_frame -> Frame -> pack (qw/-fill both -expand 1 -side left/) ;
$cw->{eh_frame} = $eh_frame ;
# add entry frame, filled by call-back
# should be a composite widget
$cw->{e_frame} = $eh_frame -> Frame
-> pack (qw/-side top -fill both -expand 1/) ;
$cw->{e_frame} ->Label(-text => "placeholder",
-width => '70',
) -> pack ;
# bind button3 as double-button-1 does not work
my $b3_sub = sub{my $item = $tree->nearest($tree->pointery - $tree->rooty) ;
$cw->on_select($item)} ;
$tree->bind('<Button-3>', $b3_sub) ;
#-background => ['DESCENDANTS', 'background', 'Background', $background],
#-selectbackground => [$hlist, 'selectBackground', 'SelectBackground',
# $selectbackground],
-width => [$tree, undef, undef, 80],
-height => [$tree, undef, undef, 30],
#-oldcursor => [$hlist, undef, undef, undef],
DEFAULT => [$tree]
) ;
$cw->Advertise(tree => $tree,
ed_frame => $cw->{e_frame} ,
$cw->SUPER::Populate($args) ;
my $help_text = << 'EOF' ;
Tree usage (left hand side of widget)
* Click on '+' and '-' boxes to open or close content
* Left-click on item to open a viewer widget.
* Right-click on any item to open an editor widget
Editor widget usage
When clicking on store, the new data is stored in the tree represented
on the left side of TkUI. The new data will be stored in the
configuration file only when "File->save" menu is invoked.
my $todo_text = << 'EOF' ;
- add wizard
- add better navigation
- add tabular view ?
- decide what to do with the 'Try ??' button
- improve look and feel
- add search element or search value
- improve look and feel
- expand the tree at once
- add plug-in mechanism so that dedicated widget
can be used for some config Class (Could be handy for
sub add_help_menu {
my ($cw,$menubar) = @_ ;
my $about_sub = sub {
$cw->Dialog(-title => 'About',
-text => "Config::Model::TkUI \n"
."(c) 2008 Dominique Dumont \n"
."Licensed under LGPLv2\n"
) -> Show ;
my $todo_sub = sub {
my $db = $cw->DialogBox( -title => 'TODO');
my $text = $db -> add('ROText')->pack ;
$text ->insert('end',$todo_text) ;
$db-> Show ;
my $help_sub = sub{
my $db = $cw->DialogBox( -title => 'help');
my $text = $db -> add('ROText')->pack ;
$text ->insert('end',$help_text) ;
$db-> Show ;
my $help_items = [[ qw/command About -command/, $about_sub ],
[ qw/command Todo -command/, $todo_sub ],
[ qw/command Usage -command/, $help_sub ],
] ;
$menubar->cascade( -label => 'Help', -menuitems => $help_items ) ;
# Note: this callback is called by Tk::Tree *before* changing the
# indicator. And the indicator is used by Tk::Tree to store the
# open/close/none mode. So we can't rely on getmode for path that are
# opening. HEnce the parameter passed to the sub stored with each
# Tk::Tree item
sub open_item {
my ($cw,$path) = @_ ;
my $tktree = $cw->{tktree} ;
$logger->trace( "open_item on $path" );
my $data = $tktree -> infoData($path);
# invoke the scanner part (to create children)
# the parameter indicates that we are opening this path
$data->[0]->(1) ;
my @children = $tktree->infoChildren($path) ;
$logger->trace( "open_item show @children" );
map { $tktree->show (-entry => $_); } @children ;
sub save_in_dir {
my $cw = shift ;
require Tk::DirSelect ;
my $dir = $cw->DirSelect()->Show ;
$cw->save($dir) ;
sub save {
my $cw = shift ;
my $dir = shift ;
my $trace_dir = defined $dir ? $dir : 'default' ;
if (defined $cw->{store_sub}) {
$logger->info( "Saving data in $trace_dir directory with store call-back" );
$cw->{store_sub}->($dir) ;
else {
$logger->info( "Saving data in $trace_dir directory with instance write_back" );
$cw->{modified_data} = 0 ;
sub quit {
my $cw =shift ;
if ($cw->{modified_data}) {
my $answer = $cw->Dialog(-title => "quit",
-text => "Save data ?",
-buttons => [ qw/yes no/],
-default_button => 'yes',
)->Show ;
$cw->save if $answer eq 'yes';
# destroy main window to exit Tk Mainloop;
$cw->parent->destroy ;
sub reload {
my $cw =shift ;
my $is_modif = shift || 0;
$logger->debug("reloading tk tree") ;
my $tree = $cw->{tktree} ;
$cw->{modified_data} = 1 if $is_modif ;
my $instance_name = $cw->{root}->instance->name ;
my $new_drawing = not $tree->infoExists($instance_name) ;
my $sub
= sub {$cw->{scanner}->scan_node([$instance_name,$cw,@_],$cw->{root}) ;};
if ($new_drawing) {
$tree->add($instance_name, -data => [ $sub, $cw->{root} ]);
$tree->itemCreate( $instance_name, 0,
-text => $instance_name ,
$tree->setmode($instance_name,'close') ;
$tree->open($instance_name) ;
$sub->(0) ; # the parameter indicates that we are not opening the root
# call-back when Tree element is selected
sub on_browse {
my ($cw,$path) = @_ ;
#$cw->{path}=$path ;
my $datar = $cw->{tktree}->infoData($path) ;
my $obj = $datar->[1] ;
$cw->{location} = $obj->location;
$cw->create_element_widget('view') ;
sub on_select {
my ($cw,$path) = @_ ;
$cw->on_browse($path) ;
$cw->create_element_widget('edit') ;
# replace dot in str by ___
sub to_path { my $str = shift ; $str =~ s/\./_|_/g; return $str ;}
sub from_path { my $path = shift ; $path =~ s/_|_/./g ; return $path; }
sub prune {
my $cw = shift ;
my $path = shift ;
$logger->trace( "prune $path" );
my %list = map { "$path." . to_path($_) => 1 } @_ ;
# remove entries that are not part of the list
my $tkt = $cw->{tktree} ;
map {
$tkt->deleteEntry($_) if $_ and not defined $list{$_} ;
} $tkt -> infoChildren($path) ;
$logger->trace( "prune $path done" );
# Beware: TkTree items store tree object and not tree cds path. These
# object might become irrelevant when warp master values are
# modified. So the whole Tk Tree layout must be redone very time a
# config value is modified. This is a bit heavy, but a smarter
# alternative would need hooks in the configuration tree to
# synchronise the Tk Tree with the configuration tree :-p
my %elt_mode = ( leaf => 'none',
hash => 'open',
list => 'open',
node => 'open',
check_list => 'none',
warped_node => 'open',
sub disp_obj_elt {
my ($scanner, $data_ref,$node,@element_list) = @_ ;
my ($path,$cw,$opening) = @$data_ref ;
my $tkt = $cw->{tktree} ;
my $mode = $tkt -> getmode($path) ;
$logger->trace( "disp_obj_elt path $path mode $mode (@element_list)" );
$cw->prune($path,@element_list) ;
my $prevpath = '' ;
foreach my $elt (@element_list) {
my $newpath = "$path." . to_path($elt) ;
my $scan_sub = sub {
$scanner->scan_element([$newpath,$cw,@_], $node,$elt) ;
} ;
my @data = ( $scan_sub, $node -> fetch_element($elt) );
# It's necessary to store a weakened reference of a tree
# object as these ones tend to disappear when warped out. In
# this case, the object must be destroyed. This does not
# happen if a non-weakened reference is kept in Tk Tree.
weaken( $data[1] );
unless ($tkt->infoExists($newpath)) {
my @opt = $prevpath ? (-after => $prevpath) : () ;
my $elt_type = $node->element_type($elt) ;
my $newmode = $elt_mode{$elt_type};
$logger->trace( "disp_obj_elt add $newpath mode $newmode type $elt_type" );
$tkt->add($newpath, -data => \@data, @opt) ;
$tkt->itemCreate($newpath,0, -text => $elt) ;
$tkt -> setmode($newpath => $newmode) ;
# hide new entry if node is not yet opened
$tkt->hide(-entry => $newpath) if $mode eq 'open' ;
# counterintuitive but right: scan will be done when the entry
# is opened
$scan_sub->(0) if ($opening or $mode ne 'open') ;
$prevpath = $newpath ;
} ;
sub disp_hash {
my ($scanner, $data_ref,$node,$element_name,@idx) = @_ ;
my ($path,$cw,$opening) = @$data_ref ;
my $tkt = $cw->{tktree} ;
my $mode = $tkt -> getmode($path) ;
$logger->trace( "disp_hash path is $path mode $mode (@idx)" );
$cw->prune($path,@idx) ;
my $elt = $node -> fetch_element($element_name) ;
my $prevpath = '' ;
foreach my $idx (@idx) {
my $newpath = $path.'.'. to_path($idx) ;
my $scan_sub = sub {
$scanner->scan_hash([$newpath,$cw,@_],$node, $element_name,$idx);
my @data = ( $scan_sub, $elt->fetch_with_id($idx) );
weaken($data[1]) ;
unless ($tkt->infoExists($newpath)) {
my @opt = $prevpath ? (-after => $prevpath) : () ;
my $elt_type = $elt->get_cargo_type();
my $newmode = $elt_mode{$elt_type};
$logger->trace( "disp_hash add $newpath mode $newmode cargo_type $elt_type" );
$tkt->add($newpath, -data => \@data, @opt) ;
$tkt->itemCreate($newpath,0, -text => $idx ) ;
$tkt -> setmode($newpath => $newmode) ;
# hide new entry if hash is not yet opened
$tkt->hide(-entry => $newpath) if $mode eq 'open' ;
#my $curmode = $tkt->getmode($path);
my $idx_mode = $tkt->getmode($newpath) ;
$logger->trace( "disp_hash sub path $newpath is mode $idx_mode" );
$scan_sub->(0) if ($opening or $idx_mode eq 'close') ;
$prevpath = $newpath ;
} ;
sub disp_check_list {
my ($scanner, $data_ref,$node,$element_name,$index, $leaf_object) =@_;
my ($path,$cw,$opening) = @$data_ref ;
$logger->trace( "disp_check_list path is $path" );
my $value = $leaf_object->fetch ;
$cw->{tktree}->itemCreate($path,2,-text => $value) ;
my $std_v = $leaf_object->fetch('standard') ;
$cw->{tktree}->itemCreate($path,3, -text => $std_v) ;
sub disp_leaf {
my ($scanner, $data_ref,$node,$element_name,$index, $leaf_object) =@_;
my ($path,$cw,$opening) = @$data_ref ;
$logger->trace( "disp_leaf path is $path" );
my $std_v = $leaf_object->fetch('standard') ;
my $value = $leaf_object->fetch_no_check ;
my $tkt = $cw->{tktree} ;
my $img ;
no warnings qw/uninitialized/ ;
$img = $cust_img if (defined $value and $std_v ne $value) ;
$img = $warn_img unless $leaf_object->check($value) ;
if (defined $img) {
-itemtype => 'image' ,
-image => $img
) ;
else {
# remove image when value is identical to standard value
$tkt->itemDelete($path,1) if $tkt->itemExists($path,1) ;
$tkt->itemCreate($path,2, -text => $value) ;
$tkt->itemCreate($path,3, -text => $std_v) ;
sub disp_node {
my ($scanner, $data_ref,$node,$element_name,$key, $contained_node) = @_;
my ($path,$cw,$opening) = @$data_ref ;
$logger->trace( "disp_node path is $path" );
my $curmode = $cw->{tktree}->getmode($path);
$cw->{tktree}->setmode($path,'open') if $curmode eq 'none';
# explore next node
sub setup_scanner {
my ($cw) = @_ ;
my $scanner = Config::Model::ObjTreeScanner->new
fallback => 'node',
permission => 'master', #'intermediate',
# node callback
node_content_cb => \&disp_obj_elt ,
# element callback
list_element_cb => \&disp_hash ,
check_list_element_cb => \&disp_check_list ,
hash_element_cb => \&disp_hash ,
node_element_cb => \&disp_node ,
# leaf callback
leaf_cb => \&disp_leaf,
enum_value_cb => \&disp_leaf,
integer_value_cb => \&disp_leaf,
number_value_cb => \&disp_leaf,
boolean_value_cb => \&disp_leaf,
string_value_cb => \&disp_leaf,
uniline_value_cb => \&disp_leaf,
reference_value_cb => \&disp_leaf,
# call-back when going up the tree
up_cb => sub {} ,
) ;
$cw->{scanner} = $scanner ;
my %widget_table = (
edit => {
leaf => 'ConfigModelLeafEditor',
check_list => 'ConfigModelCheckListEditor',
list => 'ConfigModelListEditor',
hash => 'ConfigModelListEditor',
node => 'ConfigModelNodeViewer',
view => {
leaf => 'ConfigModelLeafViewer',
check_list => 'ConfigModelCheckListViewer',
list => 'ConfigModelListViewer',
hash => 'ConfigModelListViewer',
node => 'ConfigModelNodeViewer',
) ;
sub create_element_widget {
my $cw = shift ;
my $mode = shift ;
my $tree_path = shift ; # reserved for tests
my $tree = $cw->{tktree};
unless (defined $tree_path)
# pointery and rooty are common widget method and must called on
# the right widget to give accurate results
$tree_path = $tree->nearest($tree->pointery - $tree->rooty) ;
$tree->selectionClear() ; # clear all
$tree->selectionSet($tree_path) ;
my $data_ref = $tree->infoData($tree_path);
unless (defined $data_ref->[1]) {
my $loc = $data_ref->[1]->location;
my $obj = $cw->{root}->grab($loc);
my $type = $obj -> get_type ;
$logger->trace( "item $loc to $mode (type $type)" );
# cleanup existing widget contained in this frame
map { $_ ->destroy if Tk::Exists($_) } $cw->{e_frame}->children ;
my $frame = $cw->{e_frame} ;
my $widget = $widget_table{$mode}{$type}
|| die "Cannot find $mode widget for type $type";
$frame -> $widget(-item => $obj, -path => $tree_path )
-> pack(-expand => 1, -fill => 'both') ;
sub get_perm {
my $cw = shift ;
return $ {$cw->{perm_ref}} ;
=head1 NAME
Config::Model::TkUI - Perl/Tk widget to edit content of Config::Model
use Config::Model::TkUI;
# init trace
# create configuration instance
my $model = Config::Model -> new ;
my $inst = $model->instance (root_class_name => 'a_config_class',
instance_name => 'test');
my $root = $inst -> config_root ;
# Tk part
my $mw = MainWindow-> new ;
$mw->withdraw ;
$mw->ConfigModelUI (-root => $root) ;
MainLoop ;
This class provides a GUI for L<Config::Model>.
With this class, L<Config::Model> and an actual configuration
model (like L<Config::Model::Xorg>), you get a tool to
edit configuration files (e.g. C</etc/X11/xorg.conf>).
=head1 USAGE
=head2 Left side tree
=item *
Click on '+' and '-' boxes to open or close content
=item *
Left-click on item to open a viewer widget.
=item *
Right-click on any item to open an editor widget
=head2 Editor widget
When clicking on store, the new data is stored in the tree represented
on the left side of TkUI. The new data will be stored in the
configuration file only when C<File->save> menu is invoked.
=head2 TODO
Document widget options. (-root_model and -store_sub)
=head1 AUTHOR
Dominique Dumont, (ddumont at cpan dot org)
=head1 SEE ALSO