RPC::Simple::AnyLocal - Perl extension defining a virtual SRPC client class


package MyLocal ;

use RPC::Simple::AnyLocal;
use vars qw($VERSION @ISA) ;
@ISA = qw(RPC::Simple::AnyLocal);

sub new
   my $type = shift ;

   my $self = {} ;
   my $remote =  shift ;
   bless $self,$type ;

   $self->createRemote($remote,'your_class_name') ;
   return $self ;

# Note that the 'remoteHello' method is not part of MyLocal

package main;

use Tk ;
use RPC::Simple::Server ;
use RPC::Simple::Factory ;

my $pid = &spawn ; # spawn server if needed

# client part
my $mw = MainWindow-> new ;
my $verbose = 1 ;

# create factory
my $factory = new RPC::Simple::Factory($mw,\$verbose) ;
my $local = new MyLocal($factory) ;
$mw -> Button (text => 'quit', command => sub {exit;} ) -> pack ;
$mw -> Button (text => 'remoteAct',
  command => sub {$local->remoteHello();} ) -> pack ;

MainLoop ; # Tk's


This class must be inherited by a sub-class so this one can use the RPC facility.

Note that this class (and the Factory class) was designed to use Tk's fileevent facilities.


createRemote(factory_object_ref, [remote_class_name], ... )

This method should be called by the child object during start-up. It will ask the SRPC factory to create a ClientAgent class dedicated to this new object.

The server on the other side of the socket will load the code necessary for the remote class. By default the remote class name will be ...::Real<LocalClass>. I.e if your local class is Test::Foo the remote class name will be Test::RealFoo.

If the remote class name has no prefix, '.pm' will be appended to get the file name to load

The remaining parameters will passed to the remote object's new method during its creation.

returns self.


When this method is called (generally through perl mechanism), the call will be forwarded with all parameter to the remote object. If the parameters are :

'callback' => \$one_callback

the function &one_callback will be called when the remote side has finished its function.

If you want to call-back an object method, use a closure. Such as

$self->remote_method('callback' => sub {$self-> finished(@_)})

returns self.

instance variable

AnyLocal will create the following instance variables:


Will contains the ref of the RPC::Simple::Agent object.


Will contains the name of the remote host.


I have not yet tested how to use this class and the AutoLoader in the same child class. This may lead to 'intersting' side effects.


Dominique Dumont,


perl(1), RPC::Simple::Factory(3), RPC::Simple::AnyRemote(3)