Tk::Multi::Toplevel - Toplevel MultiManager


use Multi::Toplevel ;

my $mw = MainWindow-> new ;

my $p = $mw->MultiTop();

# If Multi::Toplevel is the only Tk window of your application
$mw -> withdraw ; # hide the main window
# destroy the main window when close is called
$p -> OnDestroy(sub{$mw->destroy});

# add a 'bar' menu with a 'foo' button on the menu bar
$p->menuCommand(name => 'foo', menu => 'bar', 
                sub => sub{warn "invoked  bar->foo\n";});

# add a menu button on the 'File' menu
        -label => 'baz', 
        command => sub {warn "invoked  File->baz\n";}


This class is a Tk::Multi::Manager packed in a Toplevel window. It features also : - a 'File->show internal...' button to invoke an Object Scanner (See Tk::ObjScanner(3)) - a facility to manage user menus with sorted buttons - a help facility based on Tk::Pod

Users menus

By default the Multi::Toplevel widget comes with 3 menubuttons: - 'File' for the main widget commands - 'windows' to manage the Multi slaves widget - 'Help'

The user can also add its own menus and menu buttons to the main menubar. When needed the user can call the menuCommand method to add a new menu button (and as new menu if necessary) . Then the user can remove the menu button with the menuRemove command.

For instance, if the user call : $widget->->menuCommand(name => 'foo', menu => 'example', sub => \&a_sub);

The menubar will feature a new 'example' menu with a 'foo' button.

Then if the user call : $widget->->menuCommand(name => 'bar', menu => 'example', sub => \&a_sub);

The menubar will feature a new 'bar' button in the 'example' menu. Note that menu buttons are sorted alphabetically.

Then if the user call : $widget->menuRemove(name => 'bar', menu => 'example');

The bar button will be removed from the menu bar.

Constructor configuration options


Object reference that will be scanned by the ObjScanner. Usefull when you want to debug the object that actually use the Multi::TopLevel. By default the ObjScanner will scan the Multi::TopLevel object.


This the name of the pod file that will be displayed with the 'Help'->'global' button. This should be set to the pod file name of the class or the application using this widget.

By default, the help button will display the pod file of Multi::TopLevel.


This the section of the pod file that will be displayed with the 'Help'->'global' button.

By default, the help button will display the 'DESCRIPTION' pod section.

Advertised widgets

- fileMenu: 'File' Tk::Menu (on the left of the menu bar)
- menubar : the Tk::Frame containing the menu buttons
- multiMgr: The Tk::Multi::Manager

Users menus are also advertised (See below)

delegated methods

- newSlave, hide, show, destroySlave : To the Tk::Multi::Manager 
- add, delete, insert : To the 'File' Tk::Menu


Will add the 'button_name' button in the 'menu_name' menu to invoke the sub ref. If necessary, the 'menu_name' menu will be created.

Will remove the 'button_name' button from the 'menu_name' menu. If no buttons are left, the 'menu_name' menu will be removed from the menu bar.

showHelp ( [pod => pod_file_name], [section => pod_section] )

Will invoke Tk::Pod of the pod file and pod_section.

By default, the pod file and section will be the one passed to the constructor or 'Tk::Multi::Toplevel' and 'DESCRIPTION'


Users menu does not fold when you insert a lot of buttons.

Tk::Pod 0.10 does not display the specified section. Use a later version or this patch (


Dominique Dumont,

Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Dominique Dumont. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


perl(1), Tk(3), Tk::Multi::Manager(3), Tk::Pod(3), Tk::ObjScanner(3), Tk::mega(3)