Changes for version 1.00_07
- Interim build.
Changes for version 1.00_06
- Migrated to Mouse.
Changes for version 1.00_05
- Added missing to manifest to support OpenBSD.
Changes for version 1.00_04
- Corrections to
Changes for version 1.00_03
- Corrections to build files etc.
Report on SSIS packages by Ded MedVed
Base class for SSIS package connection managers by Ded MedVed
SSIS ADONET package connection manager by Ded MedVed
SSIS EXCEL package connection manager by Ded MedVed
SSIS FILE package connection manager by Ded MedVed
SSIS FLATFILE package connection manager by Ded MedVed
SSIS MSMQ package connection manager by Ded MedVed
SSIS OLEDB package connection manager by Ded MedVed
SSIS SMOServer package connection manager by Ded MedVed
SSIS SMTP package connection manager by Ded MedVed
Factory class for SSIS package connection managers by Ded MedVed
Report on SSIS package tasks by Ded MedVed
SSIS package task ASExecuteDDLTask by Ded MedVed
SSIS package task ActiveXScriptTask by Ded MedVed
SSIS package task BulkInsertTask by Ded MedVed
SSIS package task DMQueryTask by Ded MedVed
SSIS package task DTSProcessingTask by Ded MedVed
SSIS package task DataProfilingTask by Ded MedVed
SSIS package task ExecutePackageTask2 by Ded MedVed
SSIS package task ExecuteProcess by Ded MedVed
SSIS package task ExecuteSQLTask by Ded MedVed
SSIS package task ExpressionTask by Ded MedVed
SSIS package task FOREACHLOOP by Ded MedVed
SSIS package task FORLOOP by Ded MedVed
SSIS package task FileSystemTask by Ded MedVed
SSIS package task FtpTask by Ded MedVed
SSIS package task MessageQueueTask by Ded MedVed
SSIS package task PipeLine2 by Ded MedVed
SSIS package task SEQUENCE by Ded MedVed
SSIS package task ScriptTask by Ded MedVed
SSIS package task SendMailTask by Ded MedVed
SSIS package task TransferDatabaseTask by Ded MedVed
SSIS package task TransferErrorMessagesTask by Ded MedVed
SSIS package task TransferJobsTask by Ded MedVed
SSIS package task TransferLoginsTask by Ded MedVed
SSIS package task TransferSqlServerObjectsTask by Ded MedVed
SSIS package task TransferStoredProceduresTask by Ded MedVed
SSIS package task WebServiceTask by Ded MedVed
SSIS package task WmiDataReaderTask by Ded MedVed
SSIS package task WmiEventWatcherTask by Ded MedVed
SSIS package task XMLTask by Ded MedVed
Factory class for SSIS package DTS tasks by Ded MedVed