Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 17 Learn more

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use MCE;
my @pdbs = glob("pdbs/*.pdb");
my $mce = MCE->new(
max_workers => $MAX_PROCESSES,
sub {
my ($self, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;
my $hack = HackaMol->new( name => "hackitup" );
my $fpdb = $chunk_ref->[0];
say $fpdb;
my $name = $fpdb;
$name =~ s/\.pdb//;
my @atoms = grep { $_->occ == 1.0}
grep { $_->Z != 1 } $hack->read_file_atoms($fpdb);
my @ss = $hack->find_disulfides(@atoms);
my $i = 0;
foreach my $ss (@ss){
my @cys_s = $ss->all_atoms;
my @cut5 = grep {
$cys_s[0]->distance($_) <= 5.0 and
$cys_s[1]->distance($_) <= 5.0
} @atoms;
my %resid;
foreach my $at (@cut5){
my @bigcut = grep {
exists( $resid{$_->resid}{$_->resname}{$_->chain} )
} @atoms;
my $mol = HackaMol::Molecule->new(
name => $name,
atoms => [@bigcut],
say scalar (@atoms);
#} 0 .. $#pdbs;