Changes for version 0.012 - 2015-01-19
- fixed the github link for metacpan.
HackaMol: Object-Oriented Library for Molecular Hacking
Angle class for HackaMol
HackaMol Atom Class
HackaMol AtomGroup class
Role for a group of atoms
HackaMol Bond class
Array traits for containers of HackaMol Bonds, Angles, Dihedrals.
Dihedral Angle class for HackaMol
Read files with molecular information
Molecule class for HackaMol
provides name attribute
PdbRole of lazy attributes for HackaMol atoms
Provides the core of HackaMol Atom and Molecule classes.
simple role that provides attributes needed for setting up quantum chemistry calculations
provides attributes needed for quantum chemistry calculations
- examples/Analysis/
- examples/Analysis/
- examples/Benchmarks/
- examples/Benchmarks/
- examples/Cofactor/
- examples/GSSG/
- examples/GSSG/
- examples/GSSG/
- examples/MCE/README
- examples/MCE/
- examples/MCE/
- examples/MolAdjust/
- examples/MolAdjust/
- examples/MolFun/
- examples/MolFun/
- examples/MolFun/README
- examples/MolFun/
- examples/MolFun/
- examples/MolFun/
- examples/MolFun/
- examples/MolFun/
- examples/MolFun/
- examples/MolReadPrintWrite/
- examples/MolReadPrintWrite/
- examples/MolReadPrintWrite/
- examples/MolReadPrintWrite/
- examples/MolReadPrintWrite/
- examples/MolReadPrintWrite/
- examples/OBabel/
- examples/OBabel/
- examples/OBabel/README
- examples/Wonkish/
- examples/Wonkish/
- examples/Wonkish/
- examples/