Changes for version 0.90 - 2019-11-12

  • Fix display of heap fetches from json (
  • Move global data (planning/execution/total time, trigger info) from top_node to explain object itself
  • Add method to easily get real total, wall-clock, runtime of query.
  • Add Pg::Explain::Analyzer, so far it can extract node types and their "paths"
  • Add scripts to run perltidy, start development tmux env, and explain schema dumper
  • Fix handling of parallel queries (hopefully)
  • Remove edge-case deep recursion error
  • Speed optimization for large explains


Object approach at reading explain analyze output
Some helper methods to analyze explains
Base class for parsers of non-text explain formats.
Parser for explains in JSON format
Parser for text based explains
Parser for explains in XML format
Parser for explains in YAML format
Class representing single node from query plan
Class to anonymize sets of strings