WebService::Async::Segment::Customer - represents a customer object with methods to make Segment API calls.


You can create objects directly or (preferably) indirectly using WebService::Async::Segment::new_customer. Segment calls "identify" and "track" can be triggered on objects of this class.



Class constructor accepting a hash of named args containing customer info, along with a Segment API wrapper object (an object of class WebService::Async::Segment::Customer). There is no need to make this call if you create an object using WebService::Async::Segment::new_customer (as recommended).

The accepted params are:

  • api_client - Segment API wrapper object.

  • user_id or userId - Unique identifier of a user.

  • anonymous_id or anonymousId - A pseudo-unique substitute for a User ID, for cases when you don't have an absolutely unique identifier.

  • traits - Free-form dictionary of traits of the user, like email or name.


Unique identifier for the user in the database.


A pseudo-unique substitute for a User ID, for cases when you don't have an absolutely unique identifier.


Free-form dictionary of traits of the user, containg both standard and custom attributes. For more information on standard (reserved) traits please refer to


A WebService::Async::Segment object acting as Segment HTTP API client.


Makes an identify call on the current customer. For a detailed information on the API call please refer to:

It can be called with the following named params:

  • user_id or userId - Unique identifier of a user (will overwrite object's attribute).

  • anonymous_id or anonymousId - A pseudo-unique substitute for a User ID (will overwrite object's attribute).

  • traits - Free-form dictionary of traits of the user, like email or name (will overwrite object's attribute).

  • context - Context information of the API call. Note that the API wrapper automatically sets context sentAt and library fields.

  • integrations - Dictionary of destinations to either enable or disable.

  • timestamp - Timestamp when the message itself took place, defaulted to the current time by the Segment Tracking API. It is an ISO-8601 date string

  • custom - Dictionary of custom business specific fileds.

About common fields please refer to:

It returns a Future object.


Makes a track call on the current customer. It can take any standard (event and properties), common or custom fields. For more information on track API please refer to

It can be called with the following parameters:

  • event - required. event name.

  • properties - Free-form dictionary of event properties.

  • context - Context information of the API call. Note that the API wrapper automatically sets context sentAt and library fields.

  • integrations - Dictionary of destinations to either enable or disable.

  • timestamp - Timestamp when the message itself took place, defaulted to the current time by the Segment Tracking API. It is an ISO-8601 date string.

  • custom - Dictionary of custom business specific fileds.

About common API call params:

It returns a Future object.



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