App::JobLog::Command::when - when you'll be done for the day


version 1.029


 houghton@NorthernSpy:~job when --help
 job <command> 

 job when [-MmTtV] [long options...] <date or date range>
 	Use 'job help when' to see full details.
 	-t --tag              filter events to include only those with given
	                      tags; multiple tags may be specified
	-T --exclude-tag      filter events to exclude those with given tags;
	                      multiple tags may be specified
	-m --match            filter events to include only those one of
	                      whose descriptions matches the given regex;
	                      multiple regexes may be specified
	-M --no-match         filter events to include only those one of
	                      whose descriptions do not match the given
	                      regex; multiple regexes may be specified
	-V --no-vacation      do not display vacation hours
	--help                this usage screen
 houghton@NorthernSpy:~$ job w payperiod
 you will be finished at  7:17:32 pm


App::JobLog::Command::when says when you will be able to punch out for the day. It does this by iterating over the days in some range of dates, adding up the time worked and subtracted the work hours expected. If no argument is given, the range only includes the current day. (See the workday parameter of App::JobLog::Command::configure.) If you wish to use the pay period as your interval, you need to have defined the start pay period parameter of App::JobLog::Command::configure.

Various options are provided to facilitate eliminating certain tasks from the calculation. This is useful if you have more than one employer and you are committed to working a certain number of hours a day for each.


This command was inspired by my wife Paula, who frequently wanted to know when I'd be done for the day. In an earlier incarnation of this application one obtained it by passing in the option -p and I knew it as the Paula feature.


App::JobLog::Command::summary, App::JobLog::Command::last, App::JobLog::Command::tags, App::JobLog::Command::configure, App::JobLog::Command::vacation


David F. Houghton <>


This software is copyright (c) 2011 by David F. Houghton.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.