JavaScript::V8::Context - An object in which we can execute JavaScript


use JavaScript::V8;

# Create a runtime and a context
my $context = JavaScript::V8::Context->new();

# Add a function which we can call from JavaScript
$context->bind_function(print => sub { print @_ });

my $result = $context->eval($source);


bind ( name => $scalar )

Converts the given scalar value (array ref, code ref, or hash ref) to a v8 value and binds it in this context.

bind_function ( $name => $subroutine_ref )

DEPRECATED. This is just an alias for bind.

eval ( $source )

Evaluates the JavaScript code given in $source and returns the result from the last statement.

If there is a compilation error (such as a syntax error) or an uncaught exception is thrown in JavaScript, this method returns undef and $@ is set.